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I'd argue that from a RPing viewpoint the protection code is realistic. In RL the police do track habitual criminals, and if a person was being plagued by a stalker an arguement that "The victim was talking smack!" would hardly get the stalker off the hook. :roll:

Admittedly, the police in a cyberpunk world could, and sometimes did, have standards that were very different from that. But in terms of story background my impression of the Awakened Lands world from what I've seen of it was that this is an early Cyberpunk setting that is only now beginning to make the transition from the world we know to the "Chrome and Future Shock" universe that most Cyberpunk worlds tend to be. @_@

In terms of game balance, if a lower level player is impudent enough to talk smack, would it not be within the higher level's rights to merely talk smack back and let it go at that? o_O People who do that sort of thing gratuitously tend to have a low frustration threshold so the end result, if they aren't bright enough to realize that this is a dead end, would be for *them* to be the ones to lose control and *them* to be the ones to be bucking the penal code in consequence. The Awakened Lands players I've met all seemed to be an intelligent and resourceful lot so this shouldn't be too hard to do. ^_~
In reality the guy would be hurt more and spend more time in the hospital...if anything you should have more chances of being caught attacking only when the player is online.....since he would be more alert and more likely to make the battle last longer, thus allowing time for the cops to arrive
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