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Full Version: Getting Mugged 7 times in a row
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The credit market is there for a reason - so players can selll and buy credits.
and although there are options for annonymous and direct deposit, if someone fails to notice and post them anyway - is it fair to buy them and then go and mug them ?

I agree that if that happens, mugging them once would be fair, but what about 2 times, or 3 or 7 - > would that be fair. Is it fair that a level 20 hits a level 6? is it fair if a level 20 mugs a level 6 7 times in a row. have you done it - or how would you react if it happened to you? A player 300% higher than you mugges you 7 times in a row - not over a few days, but seven times in row!!!

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Were you online? If so why didnt you just stim to below fair and then deposit the $$$.S&it happens on here its a dog eat dog world my friend.Personnaly id be well pissed but id learn my lesson from it.
It's basic evolution my friend, the weak or stupid either learn form their mistakes or die.


Yes, completely fair.


I got mugged 9x from blitzwing after I mistakingly forgot to wire a batch of my creds. It sucked, but I triple check now before adding anything to the market. Luckily I only forgot to wire on a batch of 10 or 20.
where's the Violin at Loki


yobtebe Wrote:The credit market is there for a reason - so players can selll and buy credits.
and although there are options for annonymous and direct deposit, if someone fails to notice and post them anyway - is it fair to buy them and then go and mug them ?

I agree that if that happens, mugging them once would be fair, but what about 2 times, or 3 or 7 - > would that be fair. Is it fair that a level 20 hits a level 6? is it fair if a level 20 mugs a level 6 7 times in a row. have you done it - or how would you react if it happened to you? A player 300% higher than you mugges you 7 times in a row - not over a few days, but seven times in row!!!

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completely fair, especially if ur offline... if u were offline, u cant complain


it's even fair if you're online. online hits mugs are not against any rules.

that being said, live and learn. don't forget to use the tools that have been given to you so you'll be safe. Either that or use the Trade Moderator here on the forum.

yea yea, it's frustrating, we know.
completely legal, and quite funny for the mugger .


Ushanewnewba Wrote:completely legal, and quite funny for the mugger .

And profitable lol
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