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Full Version: Gang war shame
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[img] [Image: IMG%5d]

the truth will set you free......
[Image: truthwillsetyoufree.jpg]
kinda blurry but you get the point.....NO WHereisDaMoney.......ill be accepting stims too... here is the direct link if thats not good enough....


lmfao yeah I know why you said it there is no harn in a lie like that you got to try to get the upper hand in things like that,but I could not help posting


actually there are almost 2 hours unaccounted for yesterday, case not closed


JaySin Wrote:[Image: truthwillsetyoufree.jpg]

only 24 events here where is all 25 ??????????????????


saintt Wrote:actually there are almost 2 hours unaccounted for yesterday, case not closed

:shock: Possible screen shot tampering? :O

I think we either need scooby doo and the gang or zenith to solve this mystery Wink
well you said that he was in the gang when my gang was warring with the killas....well you can plainly see where i declared on the killas....and after where does it show you you lose...infact why not just ask Zen....she will know... lol


two reasons to keep this pointless argument going


yup im on that zen it is
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