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Full Version: Gang war shame
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firstly whereisdamoey has been a very long time friend who i introduced to the villains.he left and joined YOUR GANG.How do i know that?Well i saw the hospital saw who he hit checked on him because friend or no friend was gonna hospitalise him....but then omg i saw him in YOUR GANG so i checked the gang war section just to check your gang was warring those who were hospitalised and sure enough there ya go.WANNA CALL ME A LIAR??
im not sayin your a liar, im sayin you got it twisted....that dude has never...nor ever will be in this gang....maybe it was a mix-up idk....but when the pres of a gang tells you HE WAS NOT IN IT....he wasnt ok? and your threats dont scare me.....and if this is gonna turn into a game of pathetic guys are sucking all the fun out of this game.....Also...he has been a very longtime i think im startin to smell that set-up.....


Never in this thread have i accused you or any of your current members.Never have i asked for them to be hospitalised as due to bullying.This thread is not a set up...jeez man what you hiding?To even think id want to set you up Now that is laughable cause i have a million different things i could be doing than replying to your whitterings.

You say your not saying im a liar and in the next breath refer to some setup idea.

My eyes do not decieve me i know 100% he was in your gang and thats an end to it.
well unless he put himself there un-benounced to me....he never was....i have no problem here...just seems kind of strange that you are SO PERSISTANT on MAKIN SURE HE WAS IN MY GANG........its my gang, i say he wasnt,so he wasnt.....get over it.....your fighting with me over NOTHING.....


[Image: stop1.png]

carry on now


End this thread before i explode please
12:32 pm
New! BiffBaffBoff hospitalized you.

LMAO!!!!!! thats is my point exactly.....

learn your limits bro......

typical bully......such a hypocrit....

biffbaffboff Posted: 30 Jan 2008 11:27
Never in this thread have i accused you or any of your current members.Never have i asked for them to be hospitalised as due to bullying.


That is true i never did.However i aint gonna get called out a liar in the forums by someone who for some unknown reason wants to carry this on and on.


JaySin Wrote:well unless he put himself there un-benounced to me....he never was....i have no problem here...just seems kind of strange that you are SO PERSISTANT on MAKIN SURE HE WAS IN MY GANG........its my gang, i say he wasnt,so he wasnt.....get over it.....your fighting with me over NOTHING.....

lol the only way u are gonna prove to biff is to show ur last 24 hours gang events lol then he will probally apologize to you biff is like that if you have prove that he was not in your gang he will say sorry if not then lol
i think a screen capture of the gang events may be necessary lol
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