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pretty weak attempt at a set-up if you ask me. next time tell your boy to wait to see if he gets accepted to the gang before he gets all trigger happy.

i see no other way they would assume he was in my gang unless this was a laughable attempt at making FMC look bad.

i hope every one who sees this post searches for whearisdamoney and knocks him senseless for 2 reasons. 1.) for hosp'ing 2 online low lvls, and 2.)for being involved with someone pathetic enough to try and smear dirt on a gangs name for no reason that i can think of.

i believe the gang he WAS in was West Side Boys. so get your braile fixed!!

Name: WhereIsDaMoney [1885]
User Class: Human Member
User Level: 18
Gender: Male
Signed Up: July 12, 2006 9:40:28 pm
Last Active: January 30, 2008 12:02:33 am
Last Action: 31 minutes 7 seconds ago
Online: Offline
Days Old: 566
Location: Downtown Decatur
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Misfire 9 15 Online Kick
LDiggaBesos 9 9 Offline Kick
reggie043 9 9 Away Kick
KnownThreat 18 1 Online Kick
KamikazeNazi 16 1 Online Leave
Decadency 15 1 Online Kick
Murderformoney 9 1 Offline Kick

not on my roster.........


He was in your gang at the time of that war.Im glad you booted him or he left but either way dont say he was not in your gang at that time.It was not a slight on your gang itself it was just pointing out the player involved.

Also bringing to light the non ethical,bullying ways that wars sometimes are fought.


then i apologize to you biff for my words were more typed out of anger and confusion. if this guy was in my gang i would have booted him for sure but i was at work til abot 11:30 game time so w/e might have occured while i was gone is unkown to myself.

i also think bullying is kinda weak. which is why, if you might have noticed, i only do retaliation hits or hit gangs that have you to whoop me if i get outta line :wink:

thats why i always try to take it in stride when you hit me for hittin one of your guys. i know i got it coming when i do that lol

no hard feelings?
This is almost laughable.

All the threads that pop up asking for the old war code to come back. Where is the PvP. bring back PvP make it relevent.

all that repeated whining and now somebody does something that you would see a LOT of in the old war Code and he is shameful and pathetic.



Ofcourse no hard feelings on my part.I didnt get involved with anything at the time i just wanted to bring this subject up as i see it lots of times.It just so happened that it was during your war that id seen enough of this type of underhand tactics.Like i said nothing personal to you or your gang but whereisdamoney was the last guy in a long list who have done this.Im glad he got booted from your gang Biggrin
Exactly, Grover, they want it both ways...Smile...there aren't too many of us out there now that really remember what it was like to have old school wars. Yes, it was fun, but people don't seem to realize that gangs were erased from losing pvp combat in war and that the weaker players spent hours upon end in the hospital. Is al ready for a return to this system? No. Should there be a change to the war code? Yes It should most definitely not involve gang deletion, but most definitely it should involve either some pvp combat or hospital time for some of the losers and members involved.


Saerin Wrote:This is almost laughable.

All the threads that pop up asking for the old war code to come back. Where is the PvP. bring back PvP make it relevent.

all that repeated whining and now somebody does something that you would see a LOT of in the old war Code and he is shameful and pathetic.


lol i agree man


i think you guys missed he point here.Old school was just that OLD.This has nothing to do with old school/new school its about 2 very new players who logged into there game and were hospitalised for no reason atall.They were young players/weak players weak weapons with absolutely no way of winning that war even without the hospitalisation.Whats the most they would have done except give maybe 100 damage to the gang big deal.Did they start the war..NO.What im saying here is it really worth hospitalising 2 players for 2 hours with no justification.

I say its wrong you may disagree
ok first of Biff... get some glasses bro cuz that dude was NEVER in my gang......he sent an app....actually he never even did that, he only asked to be in it by that makes me curious as to how one would know that and start makin rumors up about him bein in the gang....all i know is i was onlin ALL DAY BYMYSELF....doing wars tryin to get gang i happened to be farming that gang....and here comes some random dude sayin he wants in.....but i was informed from someone thet he was not to be trusted......that person was OBVIOSLY right......i think ill stick to belivin the ppl i trust ...... and it's kind of ill informed to go around sayin that someone was in someones gang if they werent.....honestly.... i dont care what you guys think.....but it just erks me when ppl lie about me or my members.....and if you ask sit in here on the forums...and talk about "we need to hit ppl who are hosping low lvl's" when you are the reason ppl are leaving this game....your gang is the BIGGEST bullies in AL......where is your justification?....i think it would be easier to take a loss of some lvl 1's and 2's over some 18's......if your gonna live by a code....enforce it both ways...not just when it suits your needs.....
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