I dont really hate anyone XD.

So in that case ill just go and vote for myself cause i hate myself more than anyone

I vote for power crazed college professors.

i guess technically they are elligible since they prevent people from playing AL! stupid professors!! HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE
Ya! I could be playing AL, but NO! I have to write term papers! XD
I rescind my vote for biffbaffboff, he is both a gentleman and a scholar.
I will change my vote to scorpious(note that he corrected the spelling of his name after I pointed it out in another forum post) for general bandwith/oxygen waste.
grabtindy Wrote:I second the vote for biffbaffboff, that guy sucks.
CoastGuardFlunkie because he hates one of my members but on a serious note StunderButtz he sucks and deserves beatings

Right SG 8)
i dont really hate anybody. except maybe Wolfbane since he is my cousin and he beats me up even though i got him addicted to the game. lol

actually i hate the school blocking system because i cant get on at school half the time.
actually I would like to change my vote to Vaal because he kick my arse a lot before I was finnaly able to kick his

if that is ok poptart