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I was thinking. I can buy cyborg upgrades. I have, but then I suffer in the gym for ages! Would it be a good idea to be able to buy back some of my lost humanity? I know this favors the rich, but the current system punishes upgrades in my eyes. If you have the cash to upgrade yourself, you should have the option to get that happiness refresh back. IDK maybe a high level skill set for doctors? Maybe to cut the humanity recovery time in half? or get it back up to level 5 (starting rate) for high career points, or bucks. or somthing the docs could sell?
I also am for this idea!!!! Needless to say i didnt heed the warning of my Mentor early on and now am fully Cyborg....Gym trains are bad and hit points are slower than molasses....ill pay REAL cash to have my humanity did hear however about how some medical career can remove cyberware.....maybe have the career option work as the person with that ability may perform this operation on another person???


I like my implants. I want to keep them. I just want a "face lift" or somthing I can buy to get back what I lost in the gym.
Yea i hear ya.... i LOVE my implants....think i got like 5 or there could be an option to buy a blood transfusion type deal.....lasts a couple hours or a day or so to help training and so on......
What you want? An extra foot?

Think of it this way, the way you lose humanity, is by replacing your own flesh with mechanics.

And the only way to get humanity back is by replacing mechanics by flesh. Where would you put that extra flesh if you wanted to get more humanity?

I think that what you are suggesting is a terrible idea sorry. Implants are pretty powerful at the moment and they will only get more powerful as you go along.

When you have level 21 accuracy, the implant will be equal to level 22 accuracy, and be around 2500dev points. You increase acc by one level, and whoops, the implant is worth 3000dev points. So the more you train the more the implant will be worth.

And asking for more benefits for donators versus non donators I don't get, cause you already have a huge benefit. Having high humanity is our way of having a chance in hell to catch up.

And remember, this game is for the long run, if you stop buying implants now, you will get your humanity up again. It's nothing to worry about.
Nice Rant!!!!!!! lol


I see the point that there is a balance yes that balance needs to me kept in check. I 'm not asking to have it given back to me. what I'm asking is what if it cost 2 or 3 or 4 times what it cost to buy the implants to get the humanity back lets ay 30k credits for example (extreemly rough estimate) that would at least give me a chance to get back what I lost in the upgrade. Let me get back to level 5 with donations after that sure I'm on my own and pure humands rising day by day with play and levels have an advantage. set the cap at level 5 humanity that way the pure humans in the game a long time keep thier edge, but the rich cyborge donators have a chance to catch up quickly like they want.


you have to give the doners somthing or they will eventually stop donating.


Is this post for real?You guys bought implants because you wanted a quick fix to your current problems.Were you being bullied?IDK but you donators have a choice you were just too lazy to train hard and work your butt off for the stats.You donators should have put your irl $$$ into housing/endurence , yea it would have been slower but that was your choice to rush for stats.

Try working resistence for 5 days for 1 level playing 10 hours a day.Thats what i do.
The ability to have borgs removed and/or tweaked looks to be on the horizon for some careers. Go read the info page on careers. As far as gaining the humanity back, I'm sure that part will be up to Zen like everything else. Borgs are strong, but they dont activate fully every time imo whereas natural stats are always active. Borgs are strong and work very well imo, but as a player you should only give up the humanity you are willing to part with. The cyber shop page is very explicit in its warnings. The gaining back of humanity to level five only takes 3 things: leveling, activity, and no-more implants.....oh yeah, and maybe winning a contest or two helps.
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