How long have they been playing, there is alot of people who dont level they just train stats, level is not a guide to how strong someone can be stats play a huge part of it.
Its not about me getting beat or not able to beat someone, its about maken cybers overpowered by taken away its main weakness, when we are at it why not make cybers count to item requirements that way it will have not any weakness and will be pointless being full human.
Would it be ok if you lost your cyber and then got the humanity back you spend but not the money.
(im not a fitness coach so this is in lay man terms lol )
Im a human when I go to the gym my muscles rip then with my bodys protien they fix themselves and that in turn make me stronger, As I run my bodys endurance and lung capacity gets better so over time I can last longer etc, When you go cyber your body starts to loss some of these traits and going to the gym does not have the same effect , because a metal arm has no muscles but hydrolics, motors etc that no matter how many weights you lift will not get stronger unless you upgrade them.
Thought I would throw in my 2 cents about this whole thing. I have taken a couple implants but I do it in moderation. I let myself float around 7 humanity currently and thats fine with me. My trains could be a little better but meh. I think that there SHOULD be an option to go back, for those people who really messed up early on, but it should have a price. I think its fair that they should have the option to remove all cyberware (not one or two) at a time, regain half their humanity that was spent and spend half the money it costs to put it in.
I'm not so worried about regaining humanity as much as i'm sure Aqualung humanity is very low yes, but i am also only 70 days old.....mine will regain itself over time and i don't plan on getting anymore Cyberware......
Cyberware can be done in a way that doesent affect you as much.For example i dont see the point in doing cyberware untill you are well into the level 20's of the stat you want to improve.Also if you do a cyber implant just as you are about to level up the damage to your humanity will be less after you level up.
If you start with 7 or 8 humanity then do 1 cyber implant thats good.Then wait until your humanity has regened itself before doing another.
I don't think people that have chosen to boost their stats quickly with the use of cyborg implants should have the chance to regain their humanity. There is a huge warning when you hit buy. It is not like you just accidentally hit a button and didn't mean to. Each person who has gotten an implant has made that choice to lose some of their humanity, no matter the reason as to why they took that implant at the time. It is clearly stated and leaves no question of a doubt as to the consequences.
I chose to stay pure human, that was my choice. Cyborgs chose to go cyborg, that was their choice. My son is not a donator, yet he has cyborg implants. He saved all his money until he could afford one. When he made that choice, he read the rules and warnings. So why should donators have extra choices to raise their humanity since all people can make the choice to donate/non-donate, to be human/cyborg. We each chose our paths.
We just need to ensure we chose them wisely

Jolabent Wrote:I don't think people that have chosen to boost their stats quickly with the use of cyborg implants should have the chance to regain their humanity. There is a huge warning when you hit buy. It is not like you just accidentally hit a button and didn't mean to. Each person who has gotten an implant has made that choice to lose some of their humanity, no matter the reason as to why they took that implant at the time. It is clearly stated and leaves no question of a doubt as to the consequences.
indeed. I bet the people who complain the most are the same people who took the cheap implants that take more humanity.
there are plenty of warnings in game and here on the forum if you look for them. this topic is weak.
mudpies Wrote:Jolabent Wrote:I don't think people that have chosen to boost their stats quickly with the use of cyborg implants should have the chance to regain their humanity. There is a huge warning when you hit buy. It is not like you just accidentally hit a button and didn't mean to. Each person who has gotten an implant has made that choice to lose some of their humanity, no matter the reason as to why they took that implant at the time. It is clearly stated and leaves no question of a doubt as to the consequences.
indeed. I bet the people who complain the most are the same people who took the cheap implants that take more humanity.
there are plenty of warnings in game and here on the forum if you look for them. this topic is weak.
could not agree with you two more, the warning is right there when they got it, humanity will build up over time, now the ones who have gotten cybers will need to let it rebuild again, thats my two cents worth
Quote:So select your cyberware with care, as it cannot be removed...
Mwah Mwah. Perhaps your Bionic Eye will help you read better. No you shouldnt be able to buy humanity. Those of us who chose not to cyber shouldnt be undermined.
my 2cents worth...
when implants were first introduced, it was a BIG warning what would happen to your humanity when you took them.
now there are more options, allowing you to tailor your implants a bit and salvage some humanity.
as said, the warnings are there....they have been there...and anyone who sacrificed humanity for cyborg implants....well???? there's a price that's paid besides the cash it costs.
I say don't let there be a system of returning back to human, unless there is MASSIVE loss of all stat levels gained since the implant not to mention the cost of the surgery (it would like cloning you're original cells)
as for losing the stat levels...think about it...muscle memory....if you gained levels with a metal arm...put a real arm back on, it doesn't have any of the training the metal arm got. you shouldn't be able to keep the levels trained for.
the 2 cents from the man who's proud to have a 12 humanity

just to be clear, it isn't only human members who don't like the idea. I purchased a bunch of cyber stuff early on and made mistakes in my choices. My humanity has payed the price ever since. I still don't think I should be able to buy my humanity.