The whole idea is so that you don't have people able to buy their way to the top in a short amount of time by purchasing implants then buying humanity to negate the disadvantages of implants. It's the same reason stat increases from implants don't count towards equipment.
The game favors activity and long term commitment. Donors have an advantage but it isn't overwhelming. Allowing people to donate their way to getting humanity back could become a huge (and unfair) advantage for some.
I maybe treading on thin ice here but if i were a level 10/15 with a few implants id be tempted to start over again.If its allowed idk? But implants at anything under level 30 just seems a total waste of a charactor. :wink:
Ok just humoring the idea of buying back humanity, What would human members be able to buy to get a increase? I dont think it would be a fair or equal choice. Ive had my stuff handed to me by cyber impanted players my only hope of doing the same to them is to train hard to try and catch them if they are allowed to buy back humanity all fully humans will lose coming and going...just my thoughts. We have paid the price now its our turn to catch up while those with implants flounder a bit in the gym,,,,,
well, if the amount of humanity decreases the amount of time for hospital visits, and how fast you regain happiness, then it would already benefit non cyborg members more if they bought more humanity
i agree you can choose to spend more money get your nicer implant for less humanity sure the prices are triple that of the cheap ones but that's the price you pay for greater parts at a better rate! i got 2 implants cost a lot of humanity but they are the same stat so i know that one is worth more then the other!
all and all i think that is an idea well thought out before our thoughts and opinoins here