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Full Version: What is your idea of an AL alliance?
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OK, back in track to the discussion of alliances. Please keep the personal attacks to emails.

Cheers Smile Smile


Jolabent Wrote:OK, back in track to the discussion of alliances. Please keep the personal attacks to emails.

Cheers Smile Smile

yes you know in-game mail? And back on topic: Alliances


Jolabent Wrote:yes you know in-game mail? And back on topic: Alliances

Sry i thought emails were ehem "emails" not in game mails.Many apologies. :oops:
biffbaffboff Wrote:
Jolabent Wrote:yes you know in-game mail? And back on topic: Alliances

Sry i thought emails were ehem "emails" not in game mails.Many apologies. :oops:

for gods sake


randomjacker Wrote:for gods sake

your god has nothing to do with this.

edit: pyramids suck


mudpies Wrote:
randomjacker Wrote:for gods sake

your god has nothing to do with this.

edit: pyramids suck

i need to ask you something do you have anger problems lol quite sad really getting angry on the internet aint it grow its a game you moron i dont see me getting angry noooo but i see you getting angry by the use of your words calm down dear its only A GAME (yes i know missed the punctuation but i dont give a rats ass you monkey nut)
Did you miss your medication this morning? Mud doesn't sound angry, you on the other hand, sound down right hysterical. For your own sake, please seek help. :wink:


Canosoup Wrote:Did you miss your medication this morning? Mud doesn't sound angry, you on the other hand, sound down right hysterical. For your own sake, please seek help. :wink:

LOL god you are everywhere zen give him the forum job since he is always here talks sense except^ up there

oh btw im done with mudpies so stop qouting me thanks leave it at that this stupidness is getting childish


Dude, you're the one continually harping on this.

Stop grasping for the attention of those that don't care and relax.
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