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Full Version: What is your idea of an AL alliance?
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Geesh Eagle, you saying that mods aren't perfect Smile omg we are human lol.


tskkkk i have a funny feeling about this thread


ShadowKid Wrote:tskkkk i have a funny feeling about this thread

Where abouts are you having these feelings bro?


biffbaffboff Wrote:Where abouts are you having these feelings bro?

maybe his oh, nvm.

Edited by Eaglefreak

Please refrain from inappropriate rude sayings
Alliances are to be beneficial to both parties. Though I form no alliances in this game, I do in others, and the general agreement with the alliance is that both parties agree in whole to aid when possible, work together when asked and when possible, and if an end is to come - either side decides, they are required to give at least 12 hours notice to the other party. It is fair... or as fair as war is. That also prevents issues with backstabbing, if they can afford to be honest. Sometimes issues arise, and negotiations are made for the betterment of both sides... and we have to work together to form an adjustment at times... but that is an alliance to me. Working together, agreeing and sticking to the agreement... and always keeping a copy of the agreement. Gotta prove it, if it dies. LOL


mudpies Wrote:
biffbaffboff Wrote:Where abouts are you having these feelings bro?

maybe his oh, nvm.

Edited by Eaglefreak

Please refrain from inappropriate rude sayings

are you a stalker or something every post i post in you are there quoting me go away you annoying BABY qoute some1 else for a change now good bye

Edited by Eaglefreak

No name calling please
snow1eopardess Wrote:Alliances are to be beneficial to both parties. Though I form no alliances in this game, I do in others, and the general agreement with the alliance is that both parties agree in whole to aid when possible, work together when asked and when possible, and if an end is to come - either side decides, they are required to give at least 12 hours notice to the other party. It is fair... or as fair as war is. That also prevents issues with backstabbing, if they can afford to be honest. Sometimes issues arise, and negotiations are made for the betterment of both sides... and we have to work together to form an adjustment at times... but that is an alliance to me. Working together, agreeing and sticking to the agreement... and always keeping a copy of the agreement. Gotta prove it, if it dies. LOL

That is a great way to sum it up Snow. But one point, even if you prove it, the backstabbing does happen, I have been there in this game.
Backstabbing will happen in life and in game. We can remember and let it embitter us for others, but that is no good. See, I love this game... and no amount of level 30+ people hospitalizing or beserking me is going to change that. To me, those people are hardened either by bitterness or revenge. Now, did I personally do something? Very unlikely. But someone else may have. So, shall I hold a grudge for the next twelve years of game play? Should I strive to eventually take all of those levels 30+ people and rub their faces in it? Nah... I just want to play to enjoy and let the anger and bitterness fade into the sunset. May take a day or so, but why hold a grudge? What good does it serve for you? I know it was a lot of words to come down to: New day, new chance. If someone messes with you, backstabs or loses your trust.... move on. Let it go. They will eventually die a horrible death via online or in RL if their bitterness runs that deep. Jail Me, I chose light! Jailbreak And a good ranting to a friend never hurts either. LOL Any way, even if you need to hang on to the backstabbers... just enemy list them. Why give them the satisfaction of knowing how much they hurt or embarrassed you?
Again, alliances can be formed and broken. Look at the years of wars in RL. Caesar was backstabbed by his best friend. Judas... well, that gets into a whole other topic! But history has continued, and so it shall move forward ever after.

In this paragraph: 'you' does not mean any one specific. It may actually be me! Smile


Ladies and gentleman, snow1eopardess.


Its hard to argue with purple.
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