2008.Mar.26, 12:13 PM
2008.Mar.26, 04:13 PM
ShadowKid Wrote:are you a stalker or something every post i post in you are there quoting me go away you annoying BABY qoute some1 else for a change now good bye
no. I'll quote you any time I want. Especially if you call me at baby and it goes unmodded.
and eagle, it's part of life. As children reach puberty their testies "drop". As those testicles begin producing everything they do the child may have a funny feeling. It's kinda like menopause, except it's in reverse and it happens to male children instead of older females. Are you afraid of the word menopause too?
Now if I called him a stupid kid you'd have something to mod about, but I didn't do that now did I?
Edited by Eaglefreak
sorry, wasn't on yesterday. Fixed
2008.Mar.27, 08:34 AM
mudpies Wrote:ShadowKid Wrote:are you a stalker or something every post i post in you are there quoting me go away you annoying BABY qoute some1 else for a change now good bye
no. I'll quote you any time I want. Especially if you call me at baby and it goes unmodded.
and eagle, it's part of life. As children reach puberty their testies "drop". As those testicles begin producing everything they do the child may have a funny feeling. It's kinda like menopause, except it's in reverse and it happens to male children instead of older females. Are you afraid of the word menopause too?
Now if I called him a stupid kid you'd have something to mod about, but I didn't do that now did I?
im not a kid just to let you know., go drink a beer you alchoholic due to that is all you ramble on about drinking beers go get some counciling oh another thing are you really obsessed with the mods as well maybe they dont like you only because ur in dissidence dont make you likeable put this way now that your are in dissidence there mouths have grown p.s only a few you know who you are
2008.Mar.27, 09:12 AM
Agreed... I hate when people post long tedius posts. Get to the point!
EDIT: This post is out of order. It should actually be a few posts up... Agreeing with Grabtindy.
P.S. I hate when you post thinking you reached the end of a thread and find your post's in another place. Do'h.
EDIT: This post is out of order. It should actually be a few posts up... Agreeing with Grabtindy.
P.S. I hate when you post thinking you reached the end of a thread and find your post's in another place. Do'h.
2008.Mar.27, 09:25 AM
ShadowKid Wrote:im not a kid just to let you know., go drink a beer you alchoholic due to that is all you ramble on about drinking beers go get some counciling oh another thing are you really obsessed with the mods as well maybe they dont like you only because ur in dissidence dont make you likeable put this way now that your are in dissidence there mouths have grown p.s only a few you know who you are
Here's all punctuation you missed.
2008.Mar.27, 09:48 AM
Don't forget all the missed capitalization. 

2008.Mar.27, 09:52 AM
If you have firefox spell checker on, you are NOT allowed to correct others, it's a World Law.
2008.Mar.27, 10:05 AM
That law was changed in 2006 
It currently states that due to the sheer number of spelling and grammar checking add ins to the vast array of different software and programs, it is now acceptable to correct those who choose not to enable said add in or those who choose to ignore the suggested corrections from the aforementioned add in.

It currently states that due to the sheer number of spelling and grammar checking add ins to the vast array of different software and programs, it is now acceptable to correct those who choose not to enable said add in or those who choose to ignore the suggested corrections from the aforementioned add in.
2008.Mar.27, 03:58 PM
It's already been covered but I consider an alliance as being an ALLY. Another gang you can count on to come to your aid in time of need in vice versa.
In addition, there is no need to list allies on your gang's description page. IMO it's ridiculous. There's no reason to broadcast who you are or not in an alliance with. The aggressor will find out who the aggressee is in an alliance with if it gets to that point.
Personally I think it's quite humerous all of the gangs that have 30 gangs listed as their alliance partners. The only thing more funny than this is when they list...
x gang
y gang
z gang
and so and so in xxx gang(insert person's name who is in a gang but that gang is not on the list) lol
True members of alliances know who is in their alliance and therefore it does not need to be written in your description.
In addition, there is no need to list allies on your gang's description page. IMO it's ridiculous. There's no reason to broadcast who you are or not in an alliance with. The aggressor will find out who the aggressee is in an alliance with if it gets to that point.
Personally I think it's quite humerous all of the gangs that have 30 gangs listed as their alliance partners. The only thing more funny than this is when they list...
x gang
y gang
z gang
and so and so in xxx gang(insert person's name who is in a gang but that gang is not on the list) lol
True members of alliances know who is in their alliance and therefore it does not need to be written in your description.

2008.Mar.27, 04:06 PM
ShadowKid Wrote:I'm not a kid just to let you know. Go drink a beer you alcoholic due to that is all you ramble on about, drinking beers. Go get some counseling. Oh, another thing, are you really obsessed with the mods as well. Maybe they don't like you only because you're in Dissidence. Dissidence does not make you likable. Put this way, now that your are in Dissidence their mouths have grown.
p.s. only a few mouths have grown. You know who you are
Show me where I ramble on about drinking beers. You're talking out of your ass.
Also, learn to use some punctuation. I fixed your post for you. Learn from it and maybe you'll look like you have had at least an 8th grade/year education.
And finally, I've spoken to most of the mods electronically a few times. They like me just fine, they just need to do their job. I could really care less if any of the mods like me or not. What is this, a popularity contest?
:: refrains from getting very personal with the under educated supposed adult ::