I had a good experiences from a couple of them that actually did not know since they were new. THey said they didn't know about the online courtesy and the fact that they get a whopping ZERO XP from hospitalizing others. But these LVL 1s and LVL 2s attacking players 15 levels above them will not get any pity from me if they start getting hit for being donkeys.
Whoever may have been attacked by this noobie (forgot who it was) feel free to hit him back as he is denying it. Also, I was tempted to hit this person for asking for money. Of course I am telling him no but if he asks again then "Welcome to the ER". LOL You all agree?
badboyodel [14251] online
Date : 14 October 07 @ 7:30:55 pm
Subject : RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Higher levels
i attacked nobody give me 500$
seems i am not the only one that has been being asked for mony again,lol
The dude even tried to ask to join my gang. I told him we were full and needed another 67K or so cash for a 7th slot and if he could come up with that cash he could join. LOL
edit: moved to another topic so as not to derail thread then. Sorry
Online attacks are one thing, this is about level 1's, not any other levels. Level 1's only..... level 1's.
Is it time to offer immunity to lvl 1's from attacks. You can easily reach lvl3 in your first day. Might just give them time to find their feet before they get hospitalised.
cant offer immunity then the new level ones would have difficulty climbing levels....maybe immunity to bezerks and hospitalizatons your first 24 hours or until level 3, kind of probationary like the forums priveledges...dunno
Ya, maybe not a rule, but at least common courtesy. My referral got hospitalized in his first 10 minutes of playing, made him almost want to quit. :cry:
Quote:cant offer immunity then the new level ones would have difficulty climbing levels....maybe immunity to bezerks and hospitalizatons your first 24 hours or until level 3, kind of probationary like the forums priveledges...dunno
I like this idea