It's been getting worse lately. If you have members in your gang doing this, please let them know this is really not good for the game, and is drawing the attention of higher leveled players. Some are players from other games trying to sabotage Awakened Lands and being very belligerent in their mails to individuals requesting information on why they are hospitalizing level 1 players. If they deserve it by all means, but if you would all keep an eye out for the level 1's starting this game, we all know how hard it was to get to where we are all at now. Thank you!
I am not high level but have noticed it a lot myself lately. It's really everyone's responsibility to look out for new players from bullies.
nice post usha!

I will be happy to help the new people getting bullied! I will look at the hospital more now.
this is a prob that has been going on for awhile and i have been hospitalizing those who do,if anybody sees my members please hospitalize them and mail me ,i will hospitalize my own when it comes to them bulling lvl 1,it has happened to some lvl 2 - 4 as well,i have tried to talk with some of the bullies and get answers like so what and a few choice words resulting in more time hospitalizing them,i have also seen more gangs that do have probs or compete hard against eachother banning together in this very cause and it makes me proud to know i belong to a cummunity that cares about its beginning players,
I constantly check for lower levels getting hospitalized and bullied. Usually I send it to their guardians if they are in a gang, if not I start asking questions. Especially these attacks online. It is just not right.
I know for a fact EagleFreak sends a warning mail when he sees it, explaining why and why not to hosp. It seemed to work for a long time. Some players are from another game and are doing it because we are growing and have a steady base.
Let's get em! On second thought, I don't need to spend any more time on the internet than I already do. Back to the gym!
mudpies Wrote:which game?
Mail me, I do not wish to advertise them AT ALL. If it were any other game, I wouldn't have a problem, these guys just want us to "go away".
now that you mentioned it i have been seing alot of lvl1 players in the hospital