2007.Oct.14, 12:55 PM
2007.Oct.14, 12:56 PM
Dartanon Wrote:well Wingzero hospitalized a lvl1 and could not give me a good reason, so I hospitalized himi don't think fatheroblivion knoew what was going on,here latly we have had probs from alot of players attacking our low lvls,but i do comend you for attacking wingzero i asked him about it and he said who an i supossed to attack then,he is a shadow but he was in the wrong,i understand he is really new at the game as well
Now FatherOBlivion hospitalized me w/out even asking why.
2007.Oct.14, 12:56 PM
I have to agree with you Thor. Investigate first before acting. Talk can go a long way some times lol.
2007.Oct.14, 01:10 PM
mtngti Wrote:Sorry, will make sure I get Thor's approval on all future actions. :roll:Thanks but I was aiming more at Dartanon.
I know you always seek my wisdom before getting into the action

2007.Oct.14, 01:11 PM
Yes the best way is to talk to people. I myself sent mail to wingzero asking him the deal. He explained himself, I gave him some pointers, and then told him to enjoy himself in the game. He thanked me after that. Very well handled on his part in my opinion.
We are looking for repeat offenders here. Ask questions first then ask again if you have to. Save the hospitalizations as a last resort.
We are looking for repeat offenders here. Ask questions first then ask again if you have to. Save the hospitalizations as a last resort.
2007.Oct.14, 01:13 PM
hydro9226 Wrote:I know you always seek my wisdom before getting into the action
2007.Oct.14, 01:44 PM
Ok all of these hospitalisations and brutalisations on low levels aren't exactly coming from the pros here, i bet alot of these are just coming from just pure curiosity with attacks, when i joined sure, i was doing a few hospitalisations, and some brutalisations when those were in too, i just didn't know any better, i didn't know what they done, compared with other attacks, i used to think hospitalisations made you stronger.. I'd give these guys a chance before we go attacking them, that is unless they know what they're doing, remember it doesn't exactly help them. I say a warning mail would be alot better, teaching them what these attacks do.
2007.Oct.14, 03:19 PM
14251 badboyodel 1 55 Brutalized by SHAxxxZAM.
Although online attacks by a level 10 should know better by then......
Although online attacks by a level 10 should know better by then......
2007.Oct.14, 04:38 PM
It is not just LVL 1s being hospitalized but newer players attacking others far higher than they are. First it was a LVL 2 (now LVL 3) and now this LVL 1 as well. LOL I bet I got a whopping 2 XP from this. HEHE I guess I can post the name of the LVL 3 as well afterwards. LOL HMMMM, I guess he can be my new target as well as the LVL 3 since he did not reply back to the inquiry of the attack. HEHE
14232 bk93kevpro 1 32 Bit off more than they could chew with Scorpious.
And now the LVL 3 for others to keep an eye on if you all want too.
14040 lizzy18 Attack Offline LVL 3 that attacked me for no reason. Curious as to why. LOL No reply back yet. HEHE
14232 bk93kevpro 1 32 Bit off more than they could chew with Scorpious.
And now the LVL 3 for others to keep an eye on if you all want too.
14040 lizzy18 Attack Offline LVL 3 that attacked me for no reason. Curious as to why. LOL No reply back yet. HEHE
2007.Oct.14, 05:03 PM
Ushanewnewba Wrote:I know for a fact EagleFreak sends a warning mail when he sees it, explaining why and why not to hosp. It seemed to work for a long time. Some players are from another game and are doing it because we are growing and have a steady base.
I send a mail too asking why and explaining no exp and such, if they smart off I whack them and hosp them.
If not then they learned a lesson.