dawilz Wrote:are there going to be more options to use gang points on besides just the current hideout upgrades and getting members out of jail or the hosp?
I'm curious about this as well
I would also like a breakdown of the gang point usage..Seem like we have used alot of pts over the past few months to be the best gang in al and I want to know where the pts are going.
Will you be able to attack anyone in any condition or will you have to wait until they are at least in fair cond?
"This option also will result in 15 to 25 hospital minutes no matter how powerful or weak the opponent is. "
i like this a lot!
but i have a question. lets say w00k is in a battle/war. no-one can hospitolize him for more than 25 minutes. BUT..... if im NOT in a war with hims gang (or any other gang)...can i hospitolize him for say..200+ minutes, or whatever it may be?
or is there imunity from long-term hosp stays as long as you are in a battle/war, regardless?
lmao...the question is can you hosp wook even in fair...lol...no!
I'd leave wook alone if I were you.

Its a valid question, can someone else hosp your offline members.
gtoofs Wrote:lmao...the question is can you hosp wook even in fair...lol...no!
LMAO, that is great

i know its funny. thats why i said it.
im a funny guy.

There should be a "Gang Battle" option if you are in war with another gang and go to attack one of their members. Picking any other attack option will result in just a normal attack. Picking the "Gang Battle" option will be the only way to earn/lose gang point other than the normal hideout wars.
BTW, it's live.