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I got Pinkie Pie on my ass, too. I'd show, but there's a lot of homos.
(2013.Mar.08 06:31 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]so hab long will habitat be inhabiting the habspital?

Not that you had anything to do with it trollface.
(2013.Mar.08 06:32 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]I got Pinkie Pie on my ass, too. I'd show, but there's a lot of homos.

I thought I had Pinkie Pie on my ass, but it turned out to be Lyme's Disease.
Huh. That sucks.
(2013.Mar.08 06:50 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]trollface.

[Image: troll-face-eccbc87e4b5ce2fe28308fd9f2a7baf3-1475.png]
[Image: 27522604.jpg]
[Image: 77476-1301867123.jpg]
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