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(2013.Mar.08 08:04 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 35rvn3.jpg]
Writing your life story is hard,Bird. You know this. Even if it is just filled with sperm, fatherlove, and Thai sex slave abuse.
[Image: U_Mad_Tho.jpg]
Ouch. We know who's mad, Bird. Obama seems to know, too. Look at where he's staring.
[Image: oh_snap_gif-magnum.jpg]
Game reco'nize game, Bird, and you lookin' quite unfamiliar right now.
(2013.Mar.08 08:57 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ][Image: tumblr_lzvq946lFl1qac2a8.gif]
[Image: i-aint-even-mad.jpg]
^^ like a boss
(2013.Mar.08 10:55 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ][Image: tumblr_me7nvw1qQE1qmwzb6.gif]
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