Hell, I thought you guys liked me better than that(not really). Glad someone wanted me back.
Nothing much. Been gone a year, and people still can't beat me. How're you?
I don't like this thread.... ppls wishes r coming true.....

I would love to see old faces return and burn up the place. Who else has a top 10 wishlist?
Mine would be Loki,ronin,Thor,cheater,pun,wook,coldkiller,preacher,johnrambo,pullo,closedcasket,yoda,
And bring back some of the gangs when I first started
i forgot about bbh. he used to be cool and started young in an FMC gang that me and jaysin controlled. hen he quits the family and blows up and cant even talk to his former friends anymore. back when he was still iceman2020
(2012.Sep.24 05:54 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Mine would be Loki,ronin,Thor,cheater,pun,wook,coldkiller,preacher,johnrambo,pullo,closedcasket,yoda,
And bring back some of the gangs when I first started
you really miss pullo, don't you?
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Preacher 14948
Eff 14772
MrPickles 19632
Onward 34836
Crashfistfight 21444
Snorklelbill 28374 (way better player than Admin lol)
Blitzkrieg 11516
Badluck 24802
Duhruffy 12286
Punisher 4488
So many inactives on my friends list these days