(2012.Dec.11 10:56 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Dec.11 03:55 PM)Weathers Wrote: [ -> ]Sup Homefries.
Good to see the place still standing.
I'd like to see all my old Val and fmc peeps from over the years, even (especially?) the ones who stirred up the drams.
Im guessing there's no reason to come back yet..?
EDIT: And Snorkelbill and mrpickles. I imagine there are tons of others I've forgotten. Too high.
weathers!! good shit bro, how's it been for ya?
btw, snorklebill is semi-active admin atm
lol semi active. Still an improvement I guess. Snorkel's good people though.
Shit's been busy over here, return to uni... again etc.
/cool story bro.
(2012.Sep.26 06:07 AM)shark24 Wrote: [ -> ]Silversurfer(For all the ladies out there) 
^^He would think so for sure
Shadowkid (made things interesting)
Yoda (before he lost it...)
And of course to echo others from what I've seen (I was very surprised to see the last new update was in April 2012 when I logged back in).:
(2013.Jan.14 05:28 PM)zingersmack Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Sep.26 06:07 AM)shark24 Wrote: [ -> ]Silversurfer(For all the ladies out there) 
^^He would think so for sure
Shadowkid (made things interesting)
Yoda (before he lost it...)
And of course to echo others from what I've seen (I was very surprised to see the last new update was in April 2012 when I logged back in).:
Actually, I could cut a few from that and replace them with the Elders - or at least Chris [1002], Sarge [1048], and Sam I Am [1046].
I am back....but nobody cares.
(2012.Dec.05 03:28 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]w00k is just a state of mind. I'm inside all of you... literally and figuratively.
^^this^^ catch you on the flip side my man.
(2013.Sep.17 09:09 AM)BlackClouds Wrote: [ -> ] (2013.Sep.16 09:04 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2012.Dec.05 03:28 PM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ]w00k is just a state of mind. I'm inside all of you... literally and figuratively.
^^this^^ catch you on the flip side my man.

I say goodbye on Friday to Steve, I am gonna miss that dumbass.
I loved that guy.

I really wish I could make it out there this weekend, but it's just not possible.
I hope you met that beautiful purple lady, my friend.
Has someone in game passed away ??