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Full Version: has the tide turned?
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(2012.Jul.15 05:36 AM)Jelani91 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012.Jul.11 12:44 AM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]36th Chamber: going HAM since 2011

SwaggerRevolution baby. 36th till the end of time. Swag

hell yea dawg!
[Image: bs107.jpg]
[Image: meltdown_confirmed.jpg]
macs having a meltdown for sure.
quick, join the general in the newest occupy movement...occupy 36th

it's hot and it's going down
this guy
I just got one question.. has Mac ever been put into the hospital?
oh yes loads of times
Ahh right after I asked that he gets put in there.. eh I just never seen him in there
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