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look, i cant keep up with you. by the time i finish this, you will have posted on the other thread. lol
its cool. there are very few facts in randomlands.
this is what the truth prolly is...
it may give us an advantage, it may not. it does however make it a more even playing field in my opinion
so, in your words, you picked a fight that you can't finish, so you had to outsource.
Who deleted my posts bconrat I spect player hater
(2012.Jul.11 04:17 PM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Who deleted my posts bconrat I spect player hater
im sure your posts were very articulate and profound
(2012.Jul.11 04:11 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]so, in your words, you picked a fight that you can't finish, so you had to outsource.
i dont think i said that. but who knows anymore these days?
edit: spoke too soon
but you guys were getting owned prior to this. i can understand the desperation.
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