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Full Version: has the tide turned?
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(2012.Jul.11 04:40 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]edit: spoke too soon
but you guys were getting owned prior to this. i can understand the desperation.

thats debatable
i was responding to your own gang mate saying that this evens the playing ground (his words)

if by adding the top two stat players in the game to your gang is considered as 'evening the playing ground,' then you were getting what your gang mate said
levels the playing field, i didnt say evens or evans
so, am i wrong in saying that you are saying that you were at a disadvantage and/or not winning a pointless/indeterminate text-based conquest to your cause prior to adding cmdrst?
a disadvantage and being own'd are not one in the same though. i can agree that we were at a disadvantage. however we were also not being hosp'd any more than we were hosping. just not able to hosp everyone in their gang.

no biggie
alright fine you got us okay. cmdrst is our new big ticket clean up batter. there i said it geez
that's all i was after
of course we were at a disadvantage, do you think mac would pick a fight with someone who has an advantage over him? of course not
No Mac just doesn't pik fights at all.
Nor does he kick out all the lower levels and replace them with stronger ones.
Thts just pathetic
U guys have been through a lot of members.
We lost one.
Tht traitorus dumbtch
dude shut up. you were over here on the nuts before so just quit ridin the biggest dick u can find pussy. its not about who you can hide under when u talk shit. its how little we care
my prediction for this war is that the general will be too busy cleaning his cat litter to hosp anyone
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