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(2012.Mar.22 09:06 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]you make very poor decisions on here, jaime white. how many times have you cried about being hosp'd, and then you join a gang with a no-rules policy and expect it to be fun for you.

There is no right decisions on here for me every gang I go to expect gangs with no rules can't handle a little drama and turn on me
[Image: 5bzx.jpg]
I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue, and die. Then, you'll ALL be sorry.
(2012.Mar.22 09:26 AM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to hold my breath until I turn blue, and die. Then, you'll ALL be sorry.

No we won't lol
(2012.Mar.22 09:09 AM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 5bzx.jpg]

post of the month candidate
I think it was not Bender, but Flexo, it happens all the time.

I also already miss the misspelled ramblings of hunt3r. Who now will replace Es with 3s? So fucking clever.
(2012.Mar.22 10:13 AM)thrillhouse Wrote: [ -> ]I think it was not Bender, but Flexo, it happens all the time.

I also already miss the misspelled ramblings of hunt3r. Who now will replace Es with 3s? So fucking clever.

I will, but you're gonna hafta pay m3.
Bender was able to pull off the hosp war with Pun/Cheetah for almost a month.

I was very surprise by this.
(2012.Mar.22 10:28 AM)ZeonOne Wrote: [ -> ]Bender was able to pull off the hosp war with Pun/Cheetah for almost a month.

I was very surprise by this.

i'm not.

he attacked me over 250 times just me alone during our hosp war.
now with hab, i dont think he had the funds to sustain for more than a week.
so he probably just went on a hosp spree until he got fed.
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