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I must say... I'm actually amazed by this.
You think because a player makes a decision to quit, their account should be there to be beaten on by others? HELL no, that's not your right.
I'm almost at a loss for anything to say with this. Those people in the district have given to the game, both time and money, for well over a year. I'd say they're all entitled (yes, myself included) to actually retire from the game and not be used as a punching bag. Yet, if in a month, 6 months, a years time we want to return- we can. Where you all think you have the 'right' to beat on an inactive account, I have no clue whatsoever. The game's meant to be about attacking active accounts, not inactive- yes, I know about fading and cass, and I hit them too, but it was a case of hit them or be left behind. Doesn't change my perspectives on the rights of accounts.
The thing is, and it's what I experienced in other games too like I said before, it's not a matter of why do we have the right to use you as punching bags/exp farms/etc but where does the idea of not having to be 1 after quitting comes?
This is the first time I see a game that lets retired/quitting players not being farmed by active players beside deleting their account and my brain will never understand that part, even if 100 people were to spend 100 days explaining it to me 100 times a day each.
And yes, I believe that if some1 quits, then he just gives me the opportunity to hit him more often than when he was active, it's the way of life, it's the way of the games.

I just want to state that player accounts don't get deleted. The space they take up in the database isn't that big of a deal. When they go inactive they just don't show up in the user list. I used to delete accounts a long time ago, but no longer do so. My reasoning is if they do come back (even as another account) I will instantly know. Yes I am anal about things like that, but I believe it benefits my job at administering the game.
People who propose the "give them the option to delete their account" option are claiming something similar to giving them the option to be placed in the retirement district. They aren't attackable either way. At least with the retirement district they do have the option to come back though and their stats are still in the pantheon.
Remember, you can't really do anything in the retirement district. You can't use the gym, send items, do crimes, etc. You get no bank interest or job stats. All you really can do is mail other players and exit the district. Once you exit though you can't go back in.
I'll admit, both sides have some very good points.
Perhaps there should be a cooling off period for potential retirees. Meaning that if you "retire" to the district, you are in there unless you are inactive for X days. If you do not log in for this amount of time, you are put back into play into a random district to become a meatbag. My reasoning behind this is twofold; 1) players who retire and are off for more than a month usually don't come back and 2) a cooling off period is sometimes all that is needed to get the fire back and play again.
We don't have many in the retirement district. We currently have 10, and all the upper levels have logged in recently. Why? Who knows. But perhaps they are just waiting for something to change.
zenith Wrote:We don't have many in the retirement district. We currently have 10, and all the upper levels have logged in recently. Why? Who knows. But perhaps they are just waiting for something to change.
Dang! I counted 8 last time, I'm losing it...
daemon and beelzebub are there also.
Druchii Wrote:daemon and beelzebub are there also.
DAEMON!!! I counted 9 but missed him!
zenith Wrote:Remember, you can't really do anything in the retirement district. You can't use the gym, send items, do crimes, etc. You get no bank interest or job stats. All you really can do is mail other players and exit the district. Once you exit though you can't go back in.
This and the fact that they'll automatically be brought back to the game if inactive for a period exceeding 30 days, has made me reconsider this issue.
I'm now officially for a Retirement district :roll:

Druchii Wrote:daemon and beelzebub are there also.
I had them, I wonder who I forgot :?
Jeas I'm old but I thought maybe Daemon was someone who used a bot in the earlly stages of the game and never got csught for a long time. I can never remember seeing him playing. :shock:
badmanbren Wrote:Jeas I'm old but I thought maybe Daemon was someone who used a bot in the earlly stages of the game and never got csught for a long time. I can never remember seeing him playing. :shock:
Yup he cheated. I'll take him out. Forgot lol.
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