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Dru you said that this game is a pvp game and that we should be attacking active players. Well I do that and I'm tired of getting the mails from them saying "dude why have you attacked me five times while I'm offline, You need to stop there are plenty of inactive accounts to hit." I don't have a problem hitting active as I get hit still too, not as much mind you, but I do. I just hate getting the mails from them whining about getting pwned by a lower lvl player :)quote]

yes i get that all the time. refer to lonegun4hires gang profile, that should be on the front page in big bold letters everytime we sign in.
i believe inactive players should be left alone. no retirement, no nothing. they sit and do exactly what active players do when they are offline...NOTHING.
whats the point of retiring?
again like many people have argued before, you lose absolutely nothing for leaving the game. no exp, lvls, guns, armour, cash (example: casanova?)
i just dont see the difference between not playing for a month, then signing back on and seeing that 30 people attacked you during that month, and signing off for the night then getting back on in the morning and seeing one person attacked you.
you didnt lose anything from the 30 and nothing from the why the need for retirement.
Loki Wrote:
Eaglefreak Wrote:So what does everyone think of the retirement district? In there a player can not do ANYTHING but read mail and travel out. Quite a few players have asked Zenith to put them their so they wouldn't be attacked. IMO I think that is a copout and their should not be any retirement district.
everyone's thoughts?

I agree with you 100%, Chief. Moving to the retirement district is like taking the ball and going home when things don't go the way you think they should. It's almost as bad as sticking around and crying! Biggrin

haha gotta love written words


i remember these names

taking ball

going home

Don't care for the retirement district. You're not playing, you aren't going to be demoralized when you come back, if you come back, you aren't going to lose levels. It's none of your concern anymore, and you've already dealt with people having smacked you around before..The only difference is you were playing at the time, and, now, you're not..So it should matter less..

Down with the Retirement District.
pussies retire
It is very simple.. I have heard the stepping stone theory before and do not agree with it.... If someone built their character to a high level, or any level for that matter. They used others as stepping stones. and Active as well as inactive players.

I do not understand why they refuse to allow others to do what they have done. They participated in the game as an active and therefore should subject to the same as an inactive.

If this is not a proper analogy then please give me an a good reason why. It has not been done yet as far as I can see.
lol Priceless revival!! lol
lol rj...damn that pic...i cant even read your posts anymore without laughing
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