Sender : Spikelancelot [25040]
Date : 9 December 11 @ 3:15:52 pm
Subject : Too Late
the mail has already been sent to get a report for all of you who have been hitting us online hospitalizing us online, and anything else that interferes with their game play as well as your threats.
so...we were reported or we're gonna get a report? what's the report gonna be on? just so i'm clear. also, i told dave that we'll be hosping you all to no end if you continued to piggy back any balazar wars. i plan on following through with that, so where exactly is the threat? i'm fairly confident that you all will hang yourselves in the meantime, as the first thing you did when i started in on you was jump to your other accounts, like you've done in the past. we're just having a good time here.
Spike sucks on a chode daily, fuck him.
Spike is outside in his car, jerking off to the attention. He used to be in the hospitol for days and still be mailing folks.

You'd think with all the whinning he has heard, he would come up with a better whine then that. My memory sucks, but didn't Spike go to Fed for awhile for doing the same thing?
(2011.Dec.09 09:18 PM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 04:52 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Spike sucks on a chode daily, fuck him.
I hate that fucker.
I vouge for spike. I also vouge for bird.
Both cunts.
(2011.Dec.09 10:18 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 09:18 PM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 04:52 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Spike sucks on a chode daily, fuck him.
I hate that fucker.
I vouge for spike. I also vouge for bird.
Both cunts.
it's vouch you canadian fucktard.
(2011.Dec.09 11:32 PM)InPaceRequiscat Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 10:18 PM)Monk Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 09:18 PM)DustiWoot Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.09 04:52 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Spike sucks on a chode daily, fuck him.
I hate that fucker.
I vouge for spike. I also vouge for bird.
Both cunts.
it's vouch you canadian fucktard.
Hey I am Canadian an take offense to this. Don't lump is all in with Monk. He is special
Gotta lol at this! So the whiny brat that loves to hosp noobs is getting some payback, I'm bawling into my hankie.....srsly.
Try hosping noobs from the hosp, melon fucker! Serves you right.
....and yes Monk is speshul

(2011.Dec.10 02:53 AM)Jocasta Wrote: [ -> ]Gotta lol at this! So the whiny brat that loves to hosp noobs is getting some payback, I'm bawling into my hankie.....srsly.
Try hosping noobs from the hosp, melon fucker! Serves you right.
....and yes Monk is speshul 
Hahah. So bird, is he reporting you to cipher???
Hahahah LMFAO
Guess he has a short memory...
Spikelancelot [25040]
Date : 9 December 11 @ 9:11:46 pm
Subject : Why:
what is the reason for all the hospitalizations? I know that some get hospitalized online for no reason but some of the people are new to the game and have not played the game.