(2011.Dec.12 09:55 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]on disclaimer #10 however all players must respect all players, and these attempts to physically harrass us is disrespectful, and the only reason why we have got staff to help resolve this is because spacebird has blocked us, he has made claims that we're all a bunch of multis under 1 account which he has no proof to prove that and is attempting to slander our reputation with no evidence at all to back that up, basically all the members of spacebird's group is all disrepectful and it is not true
harassment deals with verbal abuse, not attacking someone in game. this is a combat game. get used to it.
(2011.Dec.13 07:54 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.12 07:23 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.12 07:01 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Mudpies = Cunt
BJ = Racist cunt.
Fuck them both.
i dont believe that at all man
Trust me dude.
Blackjeep hated everyone that wasn't black or jewish.
and Mudpies was just an utter fucking cunt.
When I was a lower level than Mudpies he would online hosp me whenever he could. I'm enjoying farming him now and would love for him to come back so I could make him quit again.
funny shit ban super dave and anyone who use the forums
(2011.Dec.13 08:06 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.13 07:54 AM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.12 07:23 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ] (2011.Dec.12 07:01 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Mudpies = Cunt
BJ = Racist cunt.
Fuck them both.
i dont believe that at all man
Trust me dude.
Blackjeep hated everyone that wasn't black or jewish.
and Mudpies was just an utter fucking cunt.
When I was a lower level than Mudpies he would online hosp me whenever he could. I'm enjoying farming him now and would love for him to come back so I could make him quit again.
I hope so too..

(2011.Dec.13 08:09 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]funny shit ban super dave and anyone who use the forums
your done for too then!
we are willing to go into almost a gang status for a while, and SuperDave should have really told glamazon not to declare war on them so that is partially his fault, the only question remains is for how long is it wanted for us to go into almost a gang status, we have already lost 3 members as a result of this.
Death Anarchy is crapper than any almost a gang gangs. If we get new players all i ask is for your gang not to recruit them.
(2011.Dec.13 08:06 PM)Dreadwind Wrote: [ -> ]Death Anarchy is crapper than any almost a gang gangs. If we get new players all i ask is for your gang not to recruit them.
You can't even put together a cohesive sentence bro. Quite frankly don't know how you're in a gang yourself.
36th chamber
2011.Dec.12, 11:15 AM
36th chamber
Post: #1
Userid: 15006
Level: 35
The 36th Chamber
we have a spot or two. so if you dont give a fuck, and are better conversation then tables18 come join. we hog the weed though and through rocks at cober's house from rooftop apparently.
^^this guy right here...doesn't give a fuck yo!
iPhone !!
How do you through rocks?