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(2011.Dec.12 02:43 PM)Acooper Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Dec.12 12:45 PM)gemini4256 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Dec.11 07:59 AM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Dec.10 12:32 PM)SuperDave Wrote: [ -> ]I don't particularly care whether you're reported or banned

you had cipher mail me directly about the same exact situation about a month ago.

no one cares that this won't effect you. everyone knows that one or two people play 8 out of 11 accounts over there, so destruction of your gang is practically impossible anyhow. i do feel sorry for any legitimate people in your gang though, as you have trapped them by calling wars and don't even give them the option to leave. what a nice guy.

bottom line, settle in melon fucker (<my new favorite word courtesy of nesta).

Sorry to bruise your ego but you're just not important enough (At least to me anyway)to waste time and energy to get you banned although I've asked for help to see if you're willing to end this conflict and I'm willing to do what it takes to end the conflict this is something currently being discussed within our gang.We want to give members that wish to leave a opportunity to do so and we'll avoid future actions that are detrimental to our members.I'm not really a gang spokesperson but this just shows we have no desire to continue this conflict indefinitely.

everyone has heard this song before. you guys stop for a week or two then start doing the same things you agreed not to do, that got you in trouble in the first place

You guys?This is just one member in the gang speaking and not the president for that matter.It's probably a good idea to stop warring Balazar's gang thereby effectively allowing our decision maiking to be influenced by spacebird and his cronies.No matter what we agree to and even when we prove on living up to spacebird's demands he'll still find reasons to get his panties in a bunch and hospitalize us to satisfy his ego but it's still worth a shot.
you forgot to log the account in game, superdave
(2011.Dec.12 03:36 PM)Creepazoid Wrote: [ -> ]spacebird demands to get his panties in a bunch and satisfy his shot.

fun with the delete button
Has anyone else noticed that Dave, glam, and pullo all wrote the same way? No spaces between sentences, all trying to seem like they wanted to end it peacefully. They all see to be multi's to me. Don't know why the whole community hasn't joined together to hosp them all till everyone of them quits.
that would violate the spirit of the game though, wouldn't it?

not that i really give a fuck, but yea
What are the admins gonna do mick? Ban everyone but death's anarchy?
(2011.Dec.12 03:55 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]What are the admins gonna do mick? Ban everyone but death's anarchy?

its all in spirit of the game so yes!
(2011.Dec.12 03:47 PM)filthymick Wrote: [ -> ]that would violate the spirit of the game though, wouldn't it?

not that i really give a fuck, but yea

It would be if he were successful in persuading members of our gang to quit our gang and no doubt a couple of our members will leave our gang for their own well being possibly feeling pressured although maybe not given a ultimatum.
But the real question is why risk being reported and consequently possibly banned as a result of a tattletaling alleged 'multi' read below A.L. a letter I received from my fellow gangmate.

Sender : Glamazon [25074]
Date : 12 December 11 @ 2:24:49 pm
Subject : Report spacebird for trying to force me to leave the gang

Sender : spacebird [8368]
Date : 12 December 11 @ 12:56:28 pm
Subject : RE:So when will the hosps stop?Why did they start?

nope. leave da. the only way i can be sure that you all won't continue to piggy back our wars is if you do not have enough members to call a war. sorry! you all fugged up
Reply | Delete | Block User | Report
Reply | Delete | Block User | Report
report me then. having me banned is the only way i'm gonna let you run a gang again. i'm not breaking any rules. i play one account...and have ever only created one. how about you?
(2011.Dec.12 04:19 PM)spacebird Wrote: [ -> ]report me then. having me banned is the only way i'm gonna let you run a gang again. i'm not breaking any rules. i play one account...and have ever only created one. how about you?

done and done. You will be banned shortly for not having multiple accounts by now.
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