2007.Jun.18, 05:29 PM
Jack Daniels
2007.Jun.18, 05:31 PM
hydro9226 Wrote:No, I didn't, I mentionned it myself in the past.
hydro9226 @ 01 Mar 2007 14:18 Wrote:Rome did fell eventually too, out of arrogance from its leaders if my memory is good. :massivegrin:
p.s. Now I remember why I had an argument with Sarge back then!!!
Hope you can forgive me poker pal?
haha, I don't generally hold grudges. You actually sent me the best in game mail\rant\cursing I've ever received.

I'm trying to find the thread you are talking about right now

2007.Jun.18, 05:36 PM
TheGeek Wrote:There must be alot of cheese fans here, because all i see is WHINE... =\I can't stand Cheese, all that noodling and hula-hooping gets irritating.
2007.Jun.18, 05:43 PM
agamemnon Wrote:Nice gang ya got there geek. good to see you're attracting all the talent.
[insert witty comment here]
And just some fyi, I hold the gang for use in the Cyborg Invasion event.

2007.Jun.18, 06:20 PM
I am glad Zenith did implement the 10 rep gang war safe zone there. Yes, gangs do look around for others to punk out. We were one of the many wiped out. As somebody said in another post, we liked busting people out of jail. It was actually something we LIKED doing. My old gang was high up on the gang loyalty list. Apparently we were there too long for others' liking. I see good people quitting the game here too. It is bad when very good people leave the game because of the bullies. I personally hope the 10 rep limit stays as then I feel more people will stay ingame then. Why leave if you still have your gang you spent months and months and money on to build? Sure, your REP may be very low now but you are still around to rebuild it. Just my opinion here. Feel free anyone to contradict me and say I am wrong and screwed up and Don't Know Jack. I will not give you ingame repercussions for punking me out if you are lower than I am. Unlike others I bet. LOL
2007.Jun.18, 06:43 PM
thanks merc,seems ther is more that fel the way i do about bullies,your and others post may give some hope and they will stay in the game