alot of the higher players (including myself)have forgotten the fun of the game.i really hope we all can get back to the basics and start enjoying the game again,we also forget how it was to be a low lvl players trying to become somebody known on the game,i do it to at times and then it hits me,how did i feel when i started out in the bringers of the dawn crime fam and everybody tried to destroy that crime fam,we are running alot of good players off the game with all the bulling ,like sorrow,she left the game for this very reason and she was well liked by everybody,it seems to me we forget and don't think before act,i feel it's time for the higher lvl players to start being a role model for the new players and start making it fun for them,without them the game will get boring and finnnally die out and i think none of us want that,please lets make the game fun for them and ourselves
Alot of contradiction in that nice speech of yours.
Why are you bored, you're still young...
So far, there is only 1 high level poster in this thread, guess who it is.
Why did she left? Many players did quit, yes, but not all of them had a good reason. Needing time for real life is a good reason, crying and leaving because some1 doesn't like you and attacks you 15 times a day while offline is not. Losing a gang isn't either, it's very annoying but it's part of the game. Make new friends, more powerful ones and your problem will be settled.
What kind of role model you want top guys to be? Camp AL was up and now down, Sarge no longer provides kids with plastic ducks for their bath and the official AL kindergarten is closed.
Don't think before we act? What were thinking when you made this post?
That is a ducky wothy post Shuma. Ole Sarge still has a few duckies to give out from time to time. Here's one for you in reward for this good post.....
![[Image: rubber_ducky.jpg]](
Woot, I got the Michael Jackson ducky!!!
maybe you guys think it's all funny,but sorrow left the game because of the shoot out,when all the higher lvl players was hospitalizing low lvls if they treatened their position,it really is funny and childish the way alot of the higher lvl players act,so as for your rubber duck joke it's cool,but remember karma has a way of biting you in the ass,always,i really guess there is alot of juvies that play this game and then they get a lil power and it goes to their head,as for keeping the game fun,it can be fun without all the bs with compitions(hospitalizing to win)hope all of those that think it's funny to play cat and mouse rembers the statment i made about karma
sarge you showed me oneday you kinda feel the same wayabout bulling when you thought i was hospitalizing when i was in 3 diff wars at the same time,you hospitalized me because of a mutual freind of ours,and shu as for me being young,i only wished,i have 3 kids at home one in collage and anouther on the way,so that kills the idea i'm young freind,i have never had any run ins with you or any probs wih you and would like to keep it that way,the reason this was posted was not just the highest gangs but mid lvl gangs destroying real low lvl gangs,all i was trying to say was at least be fair while playing,just a lil honour never hurts anybody
I have met a lot of good people on this server and a few bad eggs. I reply in this topic in respects to shadowguard. I believe that shadowguard's concerns are pretty valid when it comes to sportsmanship in this server. Don't get me wrong there are quite a few good players that know what good sportsmanship is. For me fun on this server is meeting good people, playing with my RL friends here, and seeing if I can challenge the next person. That is whats fun about this game for me. Not once did I say or ever considered beating low level players or their gangs to the point of overkill for no reason at all. To realize we have players of all types in the world playing this game has to also consider a respect level. Don't get me wrong, players that don't know when to shut up fit in their own category and probably deserve what they normal get. But for those other players that just wanna chill and enjoy the game I can't see how its fair for any bad egg to harrass them for no real reason especially when it comes to the point of running the good players out of the game because of bad eggs. I also talked with sorrow and consider her a pretty good person when she was here and its a shame the bad eggs and seriously poor sportsmanship could cause the good and great players to leave. I ask any bad egg or any player as a matter of fact, who are we to play judge, jury and executioner to other players that just don't deserve it. The absolute last thing any one should do is to break another player to the point of leaving. To me that type of harrassment is just uncool and shows complete disrespect, not just to Zenith, but to every player on the game. I understand the server is just a hair over a year old and balance doesn't happen over night. I'm just hoping to find a more effective balancing act before more good players call it quits.
Other than that and things I've seen, I love this server. I'll be here for quite awhile. But one thing I will strive to never become is a bad egg. Its also the strict policy the players of my gang follow who I complement for showing great sportsmanship and spirit that we as a gang can still have lots of fun with out having to mass murder the world.
One thing to consider, and history has shown this, every great kingdom has and will fall to another. Its just a matter of time. If and when that time comes and your on the top now, how will you feel when your kingdom is taken away just like the ones you have taken in the past. *food for thought*
But this is just my opinion take it for what its worth.
PS to all my friends of the server I will never turn my back on you unless you give up on me first.
Well I am only 52 days old in this game , and I don't see what the fuss is about, I never had a problem with any of the higher ups, except for Rogue and he is gone (seriously I was only at level 5 and he was at level 25, and he would bully me) then when he got a taste of his own medicine he quit.
And I remember Rogue getting a certain player named Shadowguard to attack me as well, the level of hypocrisy by the complaining people on this game is hilarious.
i am glad i am not the only one ho feels this way about the bad eggs and balance in the game,there is really alot of great players on this game and i would love to talk with all of them ,but some stay to their selves and i respect that,but please more peole let me know how you feel,thanks elmocapone

I am proud of how my gang behaves, and all of the Villian family, I think with the leadership that Moriarty provides is top notch, I also think that Sesame Street Mafia has always been exemplary in thier behavior.
Most of the players on this board do seem to stay away from bullying the weaker players.