I say VPs need to be able to declare wars as well - after all, they are in top gang-management and sometimes the Pres can't come online and people are just sitting there useless

Or if some gangs want to have it more strict, it can be made an optional priviledge, so that all sides are happy with the new change.
Well, Ps and VPs, what do you think?
sorry if this is a disscused &/or closed topic, i have no idea.
I'm very very glad Vice President Chaney can't declare war.
I vote keep it as is. As a Veep it doesn't allow me to act too quickly.
Yes, VP's can send and accept surrenders, that's enough. No1 should be allowed to go to war without their pres, that's just not right!!
I gotta agree with Mudpies and Shuma.
But if your Pres is ofline and suddenlly a war breaks, who's gonna be there if you need to declare war on another gang to keep your respect up, maybe there should be an option like in TW were you can decide what priviledges your vice pres has. For example you can decide if your vice press can make mass mails and you can decide if he can go to war and if he can sort the bank stuff out.

What yas think?
you got a good point on needing to declare after being declared.

I was thinking the replies would of been negative. Thanks for aggreing Mudpies lol.
I'm sorry i dont agree with that. So u r being sapped of res and now u wanna take someone else down with u?
I agree Vice President should be able to declare war, as the president cant always be online for 24hrs a day..
What if you need to declare war on someone and cant.??? Then you are stuffed.

Howlsong Wrote:I'm sorry i dont agree with that. So u r being sapped of res and now u wanna take someone else down with u?
No but it gives you longer to sort it out, and I wouldn't mind using someone to keep our gangs respect where it is lol. Only my oppinion though not my gangs.