and just to clarify, I'm not saying a VP shudn't have the option to declare war. I'm just saying i don't agree with attacking another gang to keep my res up. Perhaps it would be diff if we has less res than we do. But at this point if someone attacked us and took all the res we currently have perhaps even i would be tempted i just dont agree that it should be done is all.
KK this is why people are so unique lol. Everyone has there differences.

I agree with the declaring on another gang after being declared on, it has saved a few in the past and I'm sure it will again someday.
No, a president can't be online 24/7 (although there's 2-3 guys close to that

) but a president should always be chosen for his activity. There 2-3 gangs with presidents that barely gets on twice a day, for about 15 minutes, with 6-8 hours between each login. Those gangs always have had problems in the past for that and should have learned by now to change him/her.
IMO, a president should be able to get online at least 8-10 times a day, with a minimum of once an hour and that's not that much. Back then, in Marvel, any1 with less than 8 hours of play daily, and login in at least every 30 mins wasn't even considered to be president.
now that wars are so darn short my opinion has changed. Others should be able to declare war. maybe allow the prez to choose multiple people allowed to declare.
wooo 5 minute war.
5 minutes? heck that is a marathon for of course with 6 or 7 members online at a time during peak hours our wars are done very very fast....we have had a few where a few people never used all their AP in the attack.
we have discussed this before and we wouldnt mind the VP being able to declare war though I do agree with Mudpies in that I am THRILLED to death that VP cheney cant declare
I vote no on the VP's being able to declare war.
you're wrong now more than ever vp's should be able to declare.
Allow a president with the option to give and take away certain privileges from his/her members. I believe that by doing this, the mass majority will be fairly happy. Let us remember that not every gang are going to have the same principles. The power of choice will hopefully satisfy every body's needs.
i vote that the press of the gang can hit a switch in the press option that will allow or not allow there vp to be able to declare wars
AKA **allow VP to declar wars. YES/NO**
that way they have to power give and take away as they please