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Full Version: is there a clear winner in the sv vs habitat fight yet?
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(2011.Sep.08 08:19 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 07:35 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]who cares rly, this war should have happened a long time ago. now its whatever since the game is stale as hell!

thanks for your imput tranny. Smile

zzzzZ .l., you know you like em trannyS
(2011.Sep.08 09:47 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 08:19 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 07:35 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]who cares rly, this war should have happened a long time ago. now its whatever since the game is stale as hell!

thanks for your imput tranny. Smile

zzzzZ .l., you know you like em trannyS

warhammer is either a guy with a small dick or a chick with an oversized clit. the jury is still out.
(2011.Sep.08 04:33 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 09:47 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 08:19 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.08 07:35 AM)drec92 Wrote: [ -> ]who cares rly, this war should have happened a long time ago. now its whatever since the game is stale as hell!

thanks for your imput tranny. Smile

zzzzZ .l., you know you like em trannyS

warhammer is either a guy with a small dick or a chick with an oversized clit. the jury is still out.

and the line is very thin.
(2011.Sep.06 08:33 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]i believe we can call this one a win to habitat. almost 3 days since i have received a hosp from an sv fuckwit. by no means is it over from our side, just hoping that one of them has the balls to start hosping me again. punisher this means you or the pig.

since my last post got deleted id like to restate my opinion which is what this thread was about...

SV are the clear winner because they have not quit and they do no respond to your childish threads...

face it you guys are mad.

(2011.Sep.08 05:17 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.06 08:33 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]i believe we can call this one a win to habitat. almost 3 days since i have received a hosp from an sv fuckwit. by no means is it over from our side, just hoping that one of them has the balls to start hosping me again. punisher this means you or the pig.

since my last post got deleted id like to restate my opinion which is what this thread was about...

SV are the clear winner because they have not quit and they do no respond to your childish threads...

face it you guys are mad.


both rat and hide responded to childish threads.

and define "quit" for me. hannibal is the only one that was doing any real number of hits (other than pun hitting me 6 times an hour), and, well, you can see from my previous post what he was doing today...
you define quit for me since its your goal. im not saying its not a stomping and its not entertaining, i am saying if your goal is to make them quit they are winning.
(2011.Sep.08 05:29 PM)HeadBustin Wrote: [ -> ]you define quit for me since its your goal. im not saying its not a stomping and its not entertaining, i am saying if your goal is to make them quit they are winning.

pun and the sv members know there is an out, the just choose not to take it.

we are not trying to keep people from playing the game. we are merely giving back to sv what pun chose to dish out to us. the members there can either choose to stick it out, leave the gang, or fight us.

quit=ceasing to do something.
(2011.Aug.31 05:33 PM)TheHorse Wrote: [ -> ]This is not a fight or a war. It's the extermination of SV. There will be no negotiations/ceasefires. Leave and you will be free to do as you please.

free as a bird
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