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Full Version: is there a clear winner in the sv vs habitat fight yet?
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(2011.Sep.01 04:42 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.01 03:12 AM)TheHorse Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Sep.01 01:41 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]What I find funny is the person who controls the game, now gets to make calls in how players play the game. Funny how bender has turned into everything he moaned and cryed about pun. Have fun turning AL into your own playground bender. Can see why Zen got out when she did.

You and anyone else that believes that crap from SV can go fuck yourselves. Every war with you cunts since my return has been started by your sackless skirt wearing prez. Outside of the wars, I never hit any of you. After all the bullshit last year, he still continues with his usual shit. Pun thinks its cool to online hit our members just days after a each hosp wars ended. IF he wasn't being such a cunt, you all would be playing without getting hit by us. It's as simple as that. Don't start shit then cry about getting smacked for it.

Whos crying or moaning? this is what the 5th time you are going to bring about the extermination of SV. You are like a wasp at a picnic.

Good to see you made yourself a mod there, makes you wonder what else you have changed. Zen ran the game but had no in game toon to worry about. You are trying to run the game but play it two. They both dont mix.

that is not supposed to be common knowledge. who told you about bender buying the game?
(2011.Sep.01 01:41 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]What I find funny is the person who controls the game, now gets to make calls in how players play the game. Funny how bender has turned into everything he moaned and cryed about pun. Have fun turning AL into your own playground bender. Can see why Zen got out when she did.

you are the one crying, mr. hide
and to those saying this is extreme, take a seat and shut up. they had their chance to get out and pun didnt care enough to take it.
(2011.Sep.01 01:02 AM)jamiewhite Wrote: [ -> ]Didn't bazeel get fedded for trying to end sol? Just saying

you never have any idea what you are talking about, huh?
SB is a meanieSB is a meanie
Why does everyone take this game personaly now days, what happen to the good old days were we would get drunk and stroned (ShadowKid) and just enjoy the game, help each other out and just chat. Plus also the random hosps for alittle bit of a laugh but never personal. People who take the game personaly are ruining it for everyone else.
(2011.Sep.01 06:31 AM)deathishere Wrote: [ -> ]Why does everyone take this game personaly now days, what happen to the good old days were we would get drunk and stroned (ShadowKid) and just enjoy the game, help each other out and just chat. Plus also the random hosps for alittle bit of a laugh but never personal. People who take the game personaly are ruining it for everyone else.

there is nothing being taken as personal. sv has been hellbent on not allowing us to play the game. pun is obsessed. time to turn the tables. that's called playing the game, kid.
Tweety tweety tweety, dont get mad, its only a game. Im the one whos crying? were? I pointed out a fact. We had the chance to get out, lol yep leave the gang that most helped build before half your gang even started playing because you say so (Can I get a "He-man I have the power" from you bird) This is not a holy war against the big bad evil SV, this is a load of wannabes flexing their epeen in a dead game past its prime. You are the bigger gang, you have the higher number of stronger players, you have the new owner and runner of the game in your gang, yet we are still here saying FUCK YOU and I guess thats what hurts the most Winky
(2011.Sep.01 07:00 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]Tweety tweety tweety, dont get mad, its only a game. Im the one whos crying? were? I pointed out a fact. We had the chance to get out, lol yep leave the gang that most helped build before half your gang even started playing because you say so (Can I get a "He-man I have the power" from you bird) This is not a holy war against the big bad evil SV, this is a load of wannabes flexing their epeen in a dead game past its prime. You are the bigger gang, you have the higher number of stronger players, you have the new owner and runner of the game in your gang, yet we are still here saying FUCK YOU and I guess thats what hurts the most Winky

someone get this bitch a tissue.

i love the way you guys are saying FUCK YOU from the hosp.
(2011.Sep.01 07:00 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]Tweety tweety tweety, dont get mad, its only a game. Im the one whos crying? were? I pointed out a fact. We had the chance to get out, lol yep leave the gang that most helped build before half your gang even started playing because you say so (Can I get a "He-man I have the power" from you bird) This is not a holy war against the big bad evil SV, this is a load of wannabes flexing their epeen in a dead game past its prime. You are the bigger gang, you have the higher number of stronger players, you have the new owner and runner of the game in your gang, yet we are still here saying FUCK YOU and I guess thats what hurts the most Winky


sorry to upset you.
This isn't a war, its a slaughter!
(2011.Aug.31 09:31 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]I like most all of Habitat but this seems a bit much. Lets say this actually happens and SV is gone. What happens to the next gang that gets on sb's or benders nerves? They could then just try and dismantle any gang they want. I know they won't cause then they have no one to war but I don't think you should try to make everyone quit a gang.

I'm sure you remember the AL Police Dept (SV)? They tried to own/run AL and determine how everyone played, who they warred, etc. for a very long time. Now that something can be done about that it is being done. This isn't about someone getting on bender or sb's nerves, or dismantling a gang for the sake of dismantling. It payback for the years of "oppression" if you will.

(2011.Sep.01 01:41 AM)MrHyde Wrote: [ -> ]What I find funny is the person who controls the game, now gets to make calls in how players play the game. Funny how bender has turned into everything he moaned and cryed about pun. Have fun turning AL into your own playground bender. Can see why Zen got out when she did.

Why is it wrong for Habitat to do what SV did for so long?

(2011.Sep.01 01:45 AM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]funny how pun starts with the online hits and then leaves all his gang mates to face the consequences. Smile

This is the TRUTH! This started again with Pun hitting our members online.
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