Yeah, my other idea that I totally forgot.
Someone declares a war on a gang, takes respect, and the gang getting ripped of respect can choose to surrender.
The difference with surrendering now would be that the winning gang gets 50% of the Organised Crime money that the gang makes.
And a new button in the Precident /Vice precident page appears, a button that shows "Royalty From submissive Gangs"
And if more gangs beat up the same gang they share the same 50% from OC. this way the gang getting picked on can just surrender.
But only 5 gangs can get cash from the same gang and 1 gang can only get cash from 5 other gangs at a time.
Getting cash from 5 gangs makes you unable to declare war on another gang, so you gotta stop getting funds from another gang before you can declare war. And if a gang gives cash to 5 gangs from OC it cant be declared on by other gangs.
And on Gang Desc/ Profile it shows which gangs that demands cash from that particular gang, so you know who to blackmail to get cash from that gang. So that the biggest gangs can control the biggest cash cows 
Hope you know what I mean with this idea
would solve ALOT of headaches
i kinda like your idea if gangs being destroyed still applies, does it
yeah point of my second idea is too keep the current respect system, but let the losing part choose to pay 50% of OC money instead of losing gang.
And if the gang gets stronger, it can attack the gang that gets 50% of OC money to either stop it or demand cash from that gang.
I know that bigger gangs will get targetted hard to get the most OC money, but atleast they wont get disbanded if they are quick about surrendering to give up 50% of OC money.
Sound like a nice idea?
I like your idea Dru.....only problem I see with it is that OC pay isn't much. I'd see this being a great idea if more money was made for OC's.
I think the best most simple solution would be that after a gang hits 0 respect they have 7 days to bring that respect back up above...idk what a good number is...50 maybe? and if they cant they are disbanded...but during those 7 days other gangs cannot take respect from them. lets a gang get back on their feet, but also lets other gangs destroy them time after time if thats what they want to do...
or another solution would be that once your gang is destroyed (0 respect) your gang would still be together but they couldnt do anything until they payed a set price (depending on how many memebers you had) to bring the gang back to life. this price would be cheaper then rebuilding the gang entirely but would be expensive enough to put them out of commision for a while.
Jack Daniels Wrote:I like your idea Dru.....only problem I see with it is that OC pay isn't much. I'd see this being a great idea if more money was made for OC's.
yea but if like druchi said 5 gangs surrender to you then that would be descent money.
And Druchi would you get the OC money from the gang daily or weekly.
Would add a whole new aspect to the game also imo, cause gangs would begin defending the gangs they attack, cause they dont want the gang to give 50% of the OC money to another gang.
Two things would better the gang game alot.
-Up money earned on OC
-Reduce the gold it takes to Upgrade gang by 60-80%
That way, when people lost a gang they havent lost 2-3months of hard work.
But I like my suggestion too, even better if OC money was upped. Since it takes 3 days to earn 27k for a 9man crime. 3000 each man for 3 days waiting isnt much. Would be alot better if OC was changed along with the jobs that Zenith is remaking to make it more interactive.
Physical OC, like robbing a bank would need EP and
Technical, Brainiac OC's like drug making would need AP
the more points spent, the more active you get marked as = bigger payout.
And whole gang shouldnt get caught, and if someone gets caught, gang gets cash for those not caught.
My take on it, on this early sunday morning 
whaddya say Zenmeister, want a hug? 
I like the idea of having an "AL Court" .!!!
If gangs set out deliberatly to destroy a gang or just plain simple bullying for respect points because of personal things on here then that gang starting the war can be stripped of points if the fights not justified and given to the gang that was started on.?
The mediation of gang wars can be condcuted by someone in the forum with a place set up to take the other person to court with a moderator who isnt on anyones side decide where it was fair and justified to destroy a gang just because of a personal issue between 2 plp and the presidents of the gangs are only allowed to post as it would be a free for all slagging match lol.
It takes plp allot of time and commitment to get their gang to do well and along come monster gang and squashes them like a bug.!!!
No wonder we are loosing good longtime plp who play here.
how about an option only given to a pres or VP...
in the event there gang was taken out giveing them the option to recover there gang *or a fraction of there gang* allowing them to buy back there lost gang instead of full price, but a % of there gangs total cost..ofcoarse only giveing them this option for only a few days.
**example** 6 member gang gets wiped out ..and for a 6 member gang it cost them say 500.000 $ to buy a gang with that many members (just a random price).. and the press dont want to loose his gang so for him to have a last chance..he would have to pay ...say 50% of the total cost (250.000) and he can keep his gang..of coarse not the full 100 respect though perhaps only 20 respect for a last chance buy and again only giveing him a set amount of days to buy it back *so that player can get the $ he needs*
..just an ideah
Here's an even beter idea that you will all hate.
How about we have the gang that wins the war gets to add that gang to their gang, so they would gain control of the number of slots, the money and members unless they quit?
Now that would be realistic.
Have you ever heard of the objijuboji gang, yeah didn't think so. Cause they got took over by the cypts. It happens and it's a part of life.