well if your gonna make this like real life abysmalpoptart said when you msake a gang you will have gamg members and when you fight another gang and say you
lose then either you get hurt or you die.
I personally like the idea that the gangs get destroyed when their respect hit zero.
Because if gangs wouldnt get destroyed then the gang page would get full and there would be like hundreds of gangs.
Maybe the respect gain or loss should be changed to either greater numbers or something else, but the idea of keeping a gang after their respect hits zero, i dont like.
I think gangs should like rep a color or like a symbol, makes it more of a set thing.
What about being able to "gang UP " on a gang having 2 weaker can hit a stronger one. The stronger one should get negs for have so many other gang atking them.
How about adding a luck factor. I we want to make this more real in gang wars a bullet will take down and one no matter what your stats are!
I think something is already in place where gang size (between two gangs) makes a difference and the gang-up scenario might mean that the game just becomes about who's got the most mates..
I think I rather liked Yoda's idea on the last page of staying on 0 respect until you can work back up again.

I like the variable point system but I think it might help if we take it a step further. If a player that is many levels higher beats a much lower level player than instead of just the lower level player losing a respect point, make the upper level player lose a point as well. That way people will stick to attacking people their own level or nearby.
If you think about it in real life. Say Mike Tyson kicks my arse. Sure I'll lose a small amount of respect, but shouldn't Mike Tyson lose respect too? I would respect the big strong guy less for beating up on the defenseless weakling. Make it say -1 respect for both if the players are 3 or more levels apart. -2 for the big guy and -1 for the small guy if there's a five level difference and so on.
::Beats up on 12 year old, loses five respect points::
dayute Wrote:I like the variable point system but I think it might help if we take it a step further. If a player that is many levels higher beats a much lower level player than instead of just the lower level player losing a respect point, make the upper level player lose a point as well. That way people will stick to attacking people their own level or nearby.
If you think about it in real life. Say Mike Tyson kicks my arse. Sure I'll lose a small amount of respect, but shouldn't Mike Tyson lose respect too? I would respect the big strong guy less for beating up on the defenseless weakling. Make it say -1 respect for both if the players are 3 or more levels apart. -2 for the big guy and -1 for the small guy if there's a five level difference and so on.
::Beats up on 12 year old, loses five respect points::
Sounds good in theory, but to the people that have high stats/lvls there will be no one they can attack and gain respect.
I like the idea that a gang should have the opportunity to be at respect level zero, but I think something else should be added, which I might say elsewhere.
But whoever said that having a lot of gangs on the gang page is a bad thing, well there's going to be a lot more people playing if this gets improved and to add to that, in the future the gang page should have more than one page.
Having a lot of gangs is a GOOD thing.
Staying at zero respect would make me want to stay in the game because I like being in the gang and not have to worry about respect and being disbanded by some other gang. It takes a lot of game money and sometimes even real money to create a gang to get all those people in there and so by staying at 0 with no consequences you don't waste your money on some game.
If a gang can stay at 0 respect and not get disbanded by another gang I will most definitely stay in the game. The gang itself should disband if the time arises.
All add something later in a new thread because it may or may not go with this.
no having lots of gangs is a bad thing i like this idea "REAL LIFE"
all gang members in a gang die= No MORE GANG.
If a gang has no respect in the streets mean it doesnt exist unless it beats another gang and so on.
Too many gangs would make it boring because then theres no point in attackin if
your not gonna dstroy the gang that you want to destroy.
Im enjoying the game right now, thanks zenith.
syntheticdarkness Wrote:dayute Wrote:I like the variable point system but I think it might help if we take it a step further. If a player that is many levels higher beats a much lower level player than instead of just the lower level player losing a respect point, make the upper level player lose a point as well. That way people will stick to attacking people their own level or nearby.
If you think about it in real life. Say Mike Tyson kicks my arse. Sure I'll lose a small amount of respect, but shouldn't Mike Tyson lose respect too? I would respect the big strong guy less for beating up on the defenseless weakling. Make it say -1 respect for both if the players are 3 or more levels apart. -2 for the big guy and -1 for the small guy if there's a five level difference and so on.
::Beats up on 12 year old, loses five respect points::
Sounds good in theory, but to the people that have high stats/lvls there will be no one they can attack and gain respect.
Instead of teaming up together to destroy the rest of the game, they'd have to fight each other. Instead of having one gang with all of the strongest players, there'd be a couple smaller gangs that would have to fight each other.
pimpsta101 Wrote:no having lots of gangs is a bad thing i like this idea "REAL LIFE"
all gang members in a gang die= No MORE GANG.
If a gang has no respect in the streets mean it doesnt exist unless it beats another gang and so on.
Too many gangs would make it boring because then theres no point in attackin if
your not gonna dstroy the gang that you want to destroy.
Im enjoying the game right now, thanks zenith.
unless it beats another gang and so on is what you say but they don't have that opppurtunity if the get wiped out.
I don't think you put any real money into this game, pimpsta101
BUT I LIKE your IDEA dayute!!!