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(2011.Feb.03 02:21 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.03 02:13 PM)Denethor Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.03 07:48 AM)fngMalvos Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.02 09:57 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ]GL with your war on people that have faith in other things besides man and no I do not think everything in the bible is true I know it has been rewritten to many times to believe

Aren't most wars between people of different faiths?

WWI between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Napoleonic wars between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Shogunate wars in Japan between people who mostly shared the same faith.
Wars in China during the time of multiple kingdoms between people who mostly shared the same faith.
War between North Vietnam and China shortly after the fall of Saigon between people who both believed in Karl Marx.
Peloponnesian War, 431 to 404 BC between peeps who both worshipped the Olympian pantheon.
Roman Civil Wars between people who both worshipped Roman deities.

I could go on and on if my snarkiness quota exceeded my boredom quota but the short answer to your question is "No." Razz

And be it noted that any reasonable study of history show that "wars of religion" seldom seem any worse than any other form of war. I have yet to come across any account of someone in Dresden or the Bataan March saying "Golly Gee, I'm so happy I died a miserable death in a secular war rather than a war of religion."

Doubtless, a surprising omission to some. u_u

wars of religion never truly end. war for land gain ends with someone taking it. wars of politics end when the winning side uses its power to destroy the previous government. war for most issues end when the winner is decided.

religious wars are the worst kind 100%. the fact they are all built behind lies and sheep like worshiping makes it even worse.

sheep go to heaven.

"wars of religion never truly end"

Oh? Then give me some evidence that the Third Sacred War is still going on between Thebes and Macedonia. Can't find any? Then I guess we've just disproven that one. Razz

"wars of politics end when the winning side uses its power to destroy the previous government"

The way that Pol Pot did? Yeah, that particular atheist really showed us a wonderful way of ending a war of politics. ^o^

"war for most issues end when the winner is decided. "

So pay no attention to the fact that WWII was pretty much a sequal to WWI or that there is a reason that one war between France and England was called the "One Hundred Years War" with the name being an understatement? o_O

"religious wars are the worst kind 100%. the fact they are all built behind lies..."

Yeah, not like WWI and the Spanish-American War that were both started with such incredible truthiness, now is it? Hey, how many secular wars would you say *weren't* built behind lies? *snicker* ^~^

"sheep go to heaven"

And thus does Glenn tell us that atheists are dumber than sheep! ^_~
What Glenn doesn't understand is that it takes just as much faith to believe in science as it does to believe in God. God can't be proven or disproven by science. The goal of science is to find a natural answer to all the observations we make in the world. God being supernatural is never a consideration of science then. The evolution theory is just that...a theory. It has not been proven as fact. To concoct that we as a species spawned from a mass of goo can be called just as silly as believing we were creating by intelligent design. Also to assume that something came from nothing (the big bang theory) I think is more ridiculous than believing in God.
there is no god just a bunch of tosseres wanting to belive in somethink cause they were bord long time ago
I find it amusing how this post can start with Shadowrift bitching at Spike, to Druchii being bitched at by others, to ending up being about wars/religion/faith and all the opinions in between, all in one forum topic.

At least it's consistent and totally off topic.Winky
(2011.Feb.03 03:03 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]What Glenn doesn't understand is that it takes just as much faith to believe in science as it does to believe in God. God can't be proven or disproven by science. The goal of science is to find a natural answer to all the observations we make in the world. God being supernatural is never a consideration of science then. The evolution theory is just that...a theory. It has not been proven as fact. To concoct that we as a species spawned from a mass of goo can be called just as silly as believing we were creating by intelligent design. Also to assume that something came from nothing (the big bang theory) I think is more ridiculous than believing in God.

where did your god come from?

religion has that "blind faith" thing to fall back on. you actually believe that someone is up the sky watching over and judging everything you do?

i think the idea behind the evolution theory is more solid then a bullshit garden and all creation starting from two ppl. pull your head out of your ass josh and open your eyes to what religion truly is. its a way of ppl having control over the masses by installing fear for consequence.

i think believing that god created the world and everything around it is even more ridiculous after all the discoveries in the last 200 years. look out into space. gone are the years of the earth being center to everything. gone a the days of the sun being center to everyting. we are just a tiny tiny spec.
(2011.Feb.03 03:42 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.03 03:03 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]What Glenn doesn't understand is that it takes just as much faith to believe in science as it does to believe in God. God can't be proven or disproven by science. The goal of science is to find a natural answer to all the observations we make in the world. God being supernatural is never a consideration of science then. The evolution theory is just that...a theory. It has not been proven as fact. To concoct that we as a species spawned from a mass of goo can be called just as silly as believing we were creating by intelligent design. Also to assume that something came from nothing (the big bang theory) I think is more ridiculous than believing in God.

where did your god come from?

religion has that "blind faith" thing to fall back on. you actually believe that someone is up the sky watching over and judging everything you do?

i think the idea behind the evolution theory is more solid then a bullshit garden and all creation starting from two ppl. pull your head out of your ass josh and open your eyes to what religion truly is. its a way of ppl having control over the masses by installing fear for consequence.

i think believing that god created the world and everything around it is even more ridiculous after all the discoveries in the last 200 years. look out into space. gone are the years of the earth being center to everything. gone a the days of the sun being center to everyting. we are just a tiny tiny spec.

Thats just it YOU THINK... I believe that's all I really have to say

Edit: Had to highlight other think in other person's post... also my reasoning for saying this is that everybody is entitled to an opinion who's to say we're all right or wrong?
(2011.Feb.03 03:47 PM)S2pmarine Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.03 03:42 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ]
(2011.Feb.03 03:03 PM)Joshiwa Wrote: [ -> ]What Glenn doesn't understand is that it takes just as much faith to believe in science as it does to believe in God. God can't be proven or disproven by science. The goal of science is to find a natural answer to all the observations we make in the world. God being supernatural is never a consideration of science then. The evolution theory is just that...a theory. It has not been proven as fact. To concoct that we as a species spawned from a mass of goo can be called just as silly as believing we were creating by intelligent design. Also to assume that something came from nothing (the big bang theory) I think is more ridiculous than believing in God.

where did your god come from?

religion has that "blind faith" thing to fall back on. you actually believe that someone is up the sky watching over and judging everything you do?

i think the idea behind the evolution theory is more solid then a bullshit garden and all creation starting from two ppl. pull your head out of your ass josh and open your eyes to what religion truly is. its a way of ppl having control over the masses by installing fear for consequence.

i think believing that god created the world and everything around it is even more ridiculous after all the discoveries in the last 200 years. look out into space. gone are the years of the earth being center to everything. gone a the days of the sun being center to everyting. we are just a tiny tiny spec.

Thats just it YOU THINK... I believe that's all I really have to say

Edit: Had to highlight other think in other person's post... also my reasoning for saying this is that everybody is entitled to an opinion who's to say we're all right or wrong?

thanks for pointing out that i have my own opinions and don't just follow the herd. question for you mate, is your wife in the same category as you?

if so that makes you a sheep fucker.
This thread should be merged with a uncle dave thread!
Glenn, the concept of "God" is something greater than the human mind can fathom. We won't know where God came from, when God began and other such questions about his essence. Why? Well that is simple (at least for me), God has no obligation to fully reveal himself to mankind. Besides, if you look at the writing of the Christian, or Jewish, or Islamic God it is obvious that God hides part of his character.

God is suppose to be a mystery, you won't be able to wrap your mind around everything about him. That is part of man seeking a relationship with him.

Glenn here is the long and short of it. You can't disprove God and give facts. I can't prove God with facts. Just saying "you are sheep" doesn't prove anything (cept that you are acting as if you are better than those that don't believe what you do). This is a theological and philisophical argument.

This link I'm posting is a few of the reasons why I believe in God. Once again I will say, these are not facts, these are theories. Aside from hearing you rant on sheep and such I'd like to hear reasons why you don't believe.
(2011.Feb.03 07:24 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ]This thread should be merged with a uncle dave thread!

ya, in the recycle bin
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