(2010.Dec.09 05:36 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]spoogeworthy
Thanks, but you're gonna have to buy me dinner first.
(2010.Dec.09 08:36 AM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.09 05:36 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]spoogeworthy
Thanks, but you're gonna have to buy me dinner first.
My food stamps don't activate until the 15th so this will have to wait
(2010.Dec.09 01:08 PM)MrPickles Wrote: [ -> ]JollyOleTaintDikoless?
Gooder- but now you're banned
(2010.Dec.08 08:11 PM)Troopermccue Wrote: [ -> ]IDeepFriedSpacebird
long story short...only a petty pig would complain.
And only a meddling mommy would cave in like ALWAYS. For a lady who doesn't doosh it for this game, it's nice to see her involve herself in the drama per the usual.
And yes, I just said doosh it