(2010.Dec.19 07:04 AM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Dec.19 01:29 AM)RenegadeJEDI Wrote: [ -> ]if i were to call you uncledave or brugada would you be mad? brugada actually means pervert uncle in nicaraguan
Everyone knows you can't compare Brugada to Uncledave. Thats like saying gay midget sex is the same as regular midget porn.
No, it would be like comparing midget porn to amputee midget porn. And I do the stump pegging on fruitcups like retarded jedi.

Hahaha. Yea I knew it was something to do with midgets and porn.
I was browsing Amputee Midget Porn this morning, and I swear I saw Pun. Cheets leaves a wicked bite mark.
Is it against the rules to have a name like Imushroomstamped(insert name here) because I find that to just be funny not offensive?
i like to see scat amputee midget porn. they are sooooo small. they get covered from head to knee.