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(2010.Oct.25 08:21 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.25 06:03 PM)GlennQuagmire Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.25 05:34 PM)Leopard Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Oct.24 07:40 PM)Punisher Wrote: [ -> ]until obama wins a second term
odds are going down on that every day
what are the odds on him getting assinated again? sounds like it would be a good bet if he did.
lol assinated...
haha... whoops.
ok glenn so now who is the dupe...hes doing comps and back in it...i dont really care....but whatever....was most fun just hitting him to see if i could rile him...all it took was one offline hosp...woot...goooo bendover
back to old times
You pound BenderRodriguez to a bloody pulp. When you are satisfied at the pool of blood laying at your feet, you slip off into the shadows.
Experience Earned : Hospitalizations do not earn experience.
Hospitalization Time : 244
his call. i only said what was going on. if he is up for some more al then i am glad he is feeling well enough to get online. for some ppl this game is an addiction. hell, both of us tried to quit and failed. he has now 2.
(2010.Oct.23 12:46 AM)Conrad1103 Wrote: [ -> ]tired of beating up all the Villains? or frightened of the avian one?
Looks like he is back to massaging my prostrate.
yeah if hes gonna play with the big boys and girls hes gonna have to borg some more
Mighty short vacation for a dork implant according to GQ.
he had to wait for that 3rd mortgage to come through im near death, to competition winning, to hosping after i run him out of 60...i call bbbbllsht
1st of the month, ss check, disability check, they all come in at the same time. Either cash them or steal them from mom and dad.
Social security payments come once a fortnight down here man. Mine comes tomorrow

The specified thread does not exist.
im so sick of this and showing pages that arent there....this has to be the biggest moronic part of this whole game/forum thing...ffs no other site ive been on has this issue...why are we deleting posts but not going back to the pages..anyone feel me...ffs fix this or shut the dam forums down
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