2010.Oct.24, 11:42 AM
(2010.Oct.23 06:31 PM)ShadowKid Wrote: [ -> ]Wtf is this drek. You lot are taking the piss out of a man who could be dieing yet when i did it as a joke i got called a heartless etc etc.
Yeah Bconrad i know i said i quit i have i don't play this game no more i just come on the forums.
Want me gone for good you will have too ban my arse for good (forums)
p.s Get well soon Bender.
Bro, I've been told all sorts of sht by people in this game. I've had people tell me they are dying on more then one occasion, and they are still active. Forgive me if I don't believe every post a stranger makes. Fact is there's no way to prove his statement true or false. If I knew either of them in rl, it might be a different story, but the fact is I could go inactive and have somebody tell the world I'm dying. Doesn't make it true. If it was my brother, and it was true, I would let him make the statement himself. The reason I'm being an as$ hole is b/c glen seems to talk for bender a lot. I don't want to see one of our top donators get hurt or stop playing, but if he wants sympathy I'm pretty sure he can get it on his own. His whole illness does seem to be a heck of a coincidence, but whatever.