2010.Oct.19, 07:37 PM
(2010.Oct.19 07:11 PM)Brugada Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Oct.19 07:06 PM)CrazyFoley Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Oct.19 03:30 PM)dnbrocks Wrote: [ -> ]Monk ' Wrote: [ -> ]1. I am the Lord your Mod, You shall have no other Mods before me, You shall not make for yourself an Modbot
2. Do not take the name of the Mod in vain
3. Remember the Forum and keep it holy
4. Honor your Game Creator and Admin
5. You shall not Troll
6. You shall not commit adultery (Dingus)
7. You shall not Scam
8. You shall not bear false witness against your gang
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's housing
10. You shall not covet items that belongs to your neighbor
Amazing. Also I feel I would be very qualified to mod.Although if Brug becomes a mod, I suppose I could use his account.
"lease" my account...
"1. I am the Lord your Mod, You shall have no other Mods before me, You shall not make for yourself an Modbot" ..... it should be "a Modbot", and who should be a Mod?
This is starting to look like something . . . .