2010.Sep.23, 09:05 AM
2010.Sep.23, 09:06 AM
(2010.Sep.23 08:09 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]All these dudes do is cry. Let 'em. They know they won't leave.
'No more money from me' makes me laugh, knowing that the dude probably hasn't donated something substantial in a while, if anything at all. If they really think the game sucks, they'll disappear after another old arse whine thread. Until then, you can take solace in knowing they've failed at making any kind of point.
There's a difference between "whining" and stating my opinion that Zen doesn't give two sharts about her game anymore.
The "no more money from me" thing always gives me a chuckle though... definitely gotta agree with you there.
2010.Sep.23, 09:08 AM
(2010.Sep.23 09:05 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]is that realy her in picture realy ..................
That's me. How dare anyone be this mean to Zenith. Shes a human being!
2010.Sep.23, 09:09 AM
Coulda fooled me, w00k. 

2010.Sep.23, 09:09 AM
to right....
2010.Sep.23, 09:09 AM
(2010.Sep.23 09:01 AM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Sep.23 07:06 AM)Reknak Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest, kinda think maybe being a little harsh. In my experience Zen has been nothing but helpful, and remember she is on her own some now and by the amount of rants on here she has alot to look through and alot sort out/prioritise on.
Now im a paying customer two, I have parts of the game i dont like, but then again its not my game, I didn't code it, I just play it and if I didn't like it as much as some of you people then don't play.
By all means put your points of view across, criticism is good, but stop moaning when things arnt changed, not commented on and instantly sorted.
You're too young to be a grumpy old man w00k!
2010.Sep.23, 09:31 AM
I think Zenith sold this game. As much as we think we donate the game iteslf was only worth 3800 a few months back. I know I was donating heavily around that time. Maybe we Have a knew owner. Probably not but somethings got to give.
2010.Sep.23, 09:32 AM
(2010.Sep.23 09:09 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Sep.23 09:01 AM)w00k Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Sep.23 07:06 AM)Reknak Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest, kinda think maybe being a little harsh. In my experience Zen has been nothing but helpful, and remember she is on her own some now and by the amount of rants on here she has alot to look through and alot sort out/prioritise on.
Now im a paying customer two, I have parts of the game i dont like, but then again its not my game, I didn't code it, I just play it and if I didn't like it as much as some of you people then don't play.
By all means put your points of view across, criticism is good, but stop moaning when things arnt changed, not commented on and instantly sorted.
You're too young to be a grumpy old man w00k!
So I'm a grumpy whiner for pointing out zen's complete lack of interest in her game? You'd have to be blind to not see it.
2010.Sep.23, 09:38 AM
Sender : UFO [8368] online Date : 23 September 10 @ 10:28:48 am Subject : will you post this for me??
here's why i think this game has been managed poorly as of late.
#1 there have been no worthwhile updates. the community needs to have things to spend their money and ap on. there have been suggestion of adding candy-like items that are purchasable or some other consumable that would add to the game both from a strategy point and/or just for fun. it seems as if the only thing that zenith wants to add to are the forums and the cosmetics of the game. there have been no additions that i recall that have changed or added to the mechanics of the game.
#2 when being banned from the forums, an explanation other than "because you asked for it, buddy" is asinine especially considering what had been done wasn't the first time it was done...even by the banned offender.
#3 when giving a person of the community a civil responsibility, it would be nice if they had the couth to deliver a response...no matter how insignificant.
#4 this game stakes the claim of always being in production. this has been entirely false for the past year. tweaking this and that does not constitute production or new substance.
the younger players may not understand the problems and the issues some of the older players are complaining about. partly because they haven't encountered these problems and partly because they have not expanded beyond the 'novelty factor' part. this is a game...it is intended to be fun. as of late, it has been more frustrating than anything because of the potential that is there. a lot of long time players and active donors have left within the past 6 mos or so...that is very disheartening to those that have spent a small fortune toward this game in hopes that it will progress while it still sits stagnant. the members accused of bitching are people that have paid toward this game in hopes that the game and community will grow...this has not happened.
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Sender : UFO [8368] online Date : 23 September 10 @ 10:28:48 am Subject : will you post this for me??
here's why i think this game has been managed poorly as of late.
#1 there have been no worthwhile updates. the community needs to have things to spend their money and ap on. there have been suggestion of adding candy-like items that are purchasable or some other consumable that would add to the game both from a strategy point and/or just for fun. it seems as if the only thing that zenith wants to add to are the forums and the cosmetics of the game. there have been no additions that i recall that have changed or added to the mechanics of the game.
#2 when being banned from the forums, an explanation other than "because you asked for it, buddy" is asinine especially considering what had been done wasn't the first time it was done...even by the banned offender.
#3 when giving a person of the community a civil responsibility, it would be nice if they had the couth to deliver a response...no matter how insignificant.
#4 this game stakes the claim of always being in production. this has been entirely false for the past year. tweaking this and that does not constitute production or new substance.
the younger players may not understand the problems and the issues some of the older players are complaining about. partly because they haven't encountered these problems and partly because they have not expanded beyond the 'novelty factor' part. this is a game...it is intended to be fun. as of late, it has been more frustrating than anything because of the potential that is there. a lot of long time players and active donors have left within the past 6 mos or so...that is very disheartening to those that have spent a small fortune toward this game in hopes that it will progress while it still sits stagnant. the members accused of bitching are people that have paid toward this game in hopes that the game and community will grow...this has not happened.
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2010.Sep.23, 09:59 AM
(2010.Sep.23 08:12 AM)mblume Wrote: [ -> ]I have mailed her maybe twice in my AL career. Dont think I went more than a half a day without a reply. Maybe you guys should donate more and you'll get faster replies...
hahahah...yea zen has never ignored one of my mails either. Hell she responded one night at like 2am when her blackberry notified her. At the end of the convo she said " you want butt, put in?"
Im still in awe