Maybe make known what you're wanting in the Subject line.
It'd be kind of messed up if Zenith just didn't like some of these folks, though. [/conspiracy]
(2010.Sep.23 07:06 AM)Reknak Wrote: [ -> ]To be honest, kinda think maybe being a little harsh. In my experience Zen has been nothing but helpful, and remember she is on her own some now and by the amount of rants on here she has alot to look through and alot sort out/prioritise on.
Now im a paying customer two, I have parts of the game i dont like, but then again its not my game, I didn't code it, I just play it and if I didn't like it as much as some of you people then don't play.
By all means put your points of view across, criticism is good, but stop moaning when things arnt changed, not commented on and instantly sorted.
+1. She has been nothing but helpful to me. When i had a question, she has always responded to my mails, answering them. She is on her own, so it is much harder to do everything now(code, make changes, etc.). I think she is doing her best. And to be honest, she is doing a pretty good job.
go zen go she a good lady have some respect for her she doinging a good job go zen
(2010.Sep.23 08:22 AM)pornking Wrote: [ -> ]go zen go she a good lady have some respect for her she doinging a good job go zen
What he said, except add in some punctuation.
Ever see something that just sets off a catchy lil tune in ur head and no matter what u do u cant seem to get rid of it? Well I think that this song reflects how everyone is feeling just substitute zenith with the word currently being used!!
(2010.Sep.23 08:48 AM)Howl Wrote: [ -> ]Ever see something that just sets off a catch lil tune in ur head and no matter what u do u cant seem to get rid of it? Well I think that this song reflects how everyone is feeling just substitute zenith with the word currently being used!!
Funny song. I have it on CD. he is a funny guy. And morning wood is funny too
yep made me laugh ...........................................................