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^^^ A really fat, ugly double standard.

Bro, do you use a stick to wipe your hole or do you just not even bother still?
(2010.Sep.12 02:04 PM)klaw16 Wrote: [ -> ]^^^ A really fat, ugly double standard.

Bro, do you use a stick to wipe your hole or do you just not even bother still?

Tommi you did the hard part already, nothing more needs to be said. The AL community can see right thru your post.

Vs surrendered
Sv is willing to surrender to bender.

Looks like we're 2/3 there dii ck pizzas! Keep up the good work.
(2010.Sep.12 12:54 PM)MrPapagiorgio Wrote: [ -> ]You're employing a double sandwich. Rolleyes

Come make us surrender, EADP. Bet you can't.
(2010.Sep.12 10:48 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Heh. I agree with Debbie, to be honest. I'm one of the rowdiest, most arrogant, most obnoxious, and most hurtful/hated persons in the game...Since I started playing.

Here's the thing about me, though. I actually learn. I'm not half as outrageous as I was the first year I was playing this game, and all my rants took a turn for the better my second year. Third year, I was over here, so it had to calm down, but I still had my freedoms, thanks to Mosq.

EADP doesn't learn. They don't care. They continue to do the things that previous members of their gangs had gotten banned for in the past, they run their mouths when they should learn to stop and give it a rest, and time and time again have proven they aren't an asset to much of anyone or anything with their antics.

Bender. We MIGHT surrender to you when EADP surrenders to us for starting this hosp war with their constant bugging and peeing at us. I doubt it, though, since we aren't plotting on giving them any kind of reason to think they can keep coming back for more. So, keep hospitalizing us and spending your money. We don't care about you, Bender. We care about them.

Now, to wait for the community to pick this apart, since they all are standing at your side or talking where they have no reason talking.

wow, my heart is breaking..... oh wait a min... you say you are not anywhere near as bad as when you first started.. i remember a post of yours about 3 months back accusing a player of fondling his own children. also the countless posts on rambo's failed attempt at killing himself.. good for you tommi. you have grown... lol.


(2010.Sep.12 04:28 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]You're a high level nub.

I know the feeling glen
(2010.Sep.12 04:28 PM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]He does fondle his own child. lol

Anyway, I'm not half as bad as I was back then. Wink You wouldn't know, though. You weren't around. You're a high level nub.

this is true my fat guts'd friend. i wasn't around but i am sure you are even more round then when you first started.
Smile Still on the fat jokes.

Are you ever going to start fighting back and forcing us to surrender? Or are we going to keep sipping tea over here, wondering when you little bugs are going to come buzzing around again to get smushed?
(2010.Sep.12 10:48 AM)TommiTheTaco Wrote: [ -> ]Here's the thing about me, though. I actually learn. I'm not half as outrageous as I was the first year I was playing this game

ahh, the good old days. lol
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