2010.Aug.17, 02:34 PM
2010.Aug.17, 02:35 PM
Multi big time
2010.Aug.17, 02:52 PM
(2010.Aug.17 02:26 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]I am not a multi, but you guys seem to be content on breaking 1 of the rules no player has any control over whether or not another player plays this game or not,not you not just johnny,not kev, not shadowguard, not punisher, thegeneral, conrad, brugada, justjohnny, spacebird, rafal, NOBODY has those priveleges except for staff that control federal jail and the only reason why nothing is being done about it right now is because you guys are so scared to explain it to her and everything else that I will come back and start up where I left off it's not even funny.
do i know you? i've only talked to dave before.
edit:oh wait,you're dave,i forgot.
2010.Aug.17, 02:56 PM
I like how since I mentioned they all type the same spike started using capital lettering and underlines when stressing words to make himself seem different.
2010.Aug.17, 03:00 PM
Yeah he really defensive right now. He is a dumbass to air his dirty drawers to a bunch of panty sniffers like us!
Close thread modz n quit catering to his dilluded sense worth. He can go multi up in torn city or the wrestling game.
Close thread modz n quit catering to his dilluded sense worth. He can go multi up in torn city or the wrestling game.
2010.Aug.17, 03:35 PM
![[Image: manbearpig.jpg?w=450]](http://scchaser.files.wordpress.com/2007/02/manbearpig.jpg?w=450)
hes not a multi hes SUPER CEREAL YOU GUYZ
2010.Aug.17, 04:20 PM
(2010.Aug.17 07:16 AM)DejaVu Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Aug.15 10:48 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ](2010.Aug.15 09:44 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]So Pun and I should be banned?
you are talking about a one time event..... i am talking about ppl that share an ip address 99% of the time they log in. it is too easy for anyone to have a multi in this game or play on someone else's account. i am not suggesting you logged in as pun nor did i even care about you when i said what i said. pull your head out of your arse and think before you respond.
So you are saying families should not be allowed to play?
My other half and I log in from the same IP, we both log in from home, as well as from our cell phones, which happen to be on the same account. Your argument is that because we share the same IP for the majority of the time we should not be allowed to play, that is BS.
The problem is not with those of us sharing the same IP, but rather with those idiots who abuse the privilege and/or try and cheat the game and players.
i have no problem with families playing. my rl bro plays. i know others that have family playing. they all play from different houses. not all ppl who share an ip address are multis. that would be stupid to assume. i suggest the ppl that have refferals playing in the same house must be looked at harder then anyone else in this game. money transactions and online times must be checked. as the only person who plays in my house i have nothing to hide. those that want to argue this may. (for the record, i don't think anyone in the bees is a multi. i know that some of them work in the same office and have no choice but to share an ip address. also i don't believe cheetah to be pun's multi. making that clear as i know she will assume i am talking about her again.)
2010.Aug.17, 04:40 PM

2010.Aug.17, 04:49 PM
(2010.Aug.17 02:26 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]I am not a multi, but you guys seem to be content on breaking 1 of the rules no player has any control over whether or not another player plays this game or not,not you not just johnny,not kev, not shadowguard, not punisher, thegeneral, conrad, brugada, justjohnny, spacebird, rafal, NOBODY has those priveleges except for staff that control federal jail and the only reason why nothing is being done about it right now is because you guys are so scared to explain it to her and everything else that I will come back and start up where I left off it's not even funny.
Awakened Lands Game Rules
All rules are subject to change at any time.
These rules are subject to change without notice.
Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for breaking the rules.
Any issue not specified in this list of rules doesn't mean it is fair game. These unforeseen issues fall under our "spirit of the game" rule. If something goes against the "spirit of the game", then it is against the rules.
Players are only allowed to have one account. Owning / Logging Into more than one account will result in all accounts being punished. Sharing accounts or "Account Sitting" is the same as having multiple accounts. If there is more than one account on the same IP, contact the staff as soon as possible.
You are responsible for whatever happens on your account. Do not give out your password to anyone. If another player is logging into your account and breaking rules, the account in question is the one that will be punished.
Keep things PG-13. It's a crime game, not an open forum to post vulgar or obscene language.
We understand that you play other games, but do not advertise them here. Talking about them is not the same as advertising. Using the game as a means to grow another game's player base is advertising and against the rules.
If you have an issue that might require a staff member's response, contact only one staff member. Do not send the same email to multiple staff members. We try to resolve issues in a timely manner in the order we receive them, multiple messages to different staff members slows the entire process down.
Do not harass other players. Harassment means "tormenting by continued persistent verbal attacks and criticism". If you think something might be considered harassment, don't do it. If a player is sending you unwanted mail, use the in-game mail block feature prior to contacting an admin.
This is a game of criminals, but scamming other players by using game mechanics to your advantage is not tolerated.
If you feel a staff member's conduct is out of line, please contact Zenith[2].
Players who receive gifts from players who are quitting are subject to having the entire gift returned based on our "spirit of the game" rule (#3).
Use of any browser extention or program that "plays the game for you" or "plays the game while you are away" is not tolerated and will lead to a permanent banning from the game.
Begging or asking for cash and/or items from other players will result in a temporary suspension of mailing privileges.
If you think you were wronged by another player, a staff member, or the game system, it doesn't mean you have the right to break other rules as compensation. Breaking the rules in response is still breaking the rules.
Taking over an account from someone, selling/buying an account, and/or trading accounts is prohibited. All accounts involved in such activities will have their accounts permanently disabled.
Items, cash, or other gifts given to a player who subsequently leaves or quits the game are not retrievable. These gifts are lost.
This is a game of combat against real people. If you are hospitalized by another player due to your own actions (or those of your fellow gang members), you will have to face the consequences or settle the issue on your own. The administrative staff should not be summoned for personal disputes.
Any posting of personal or private information of another player or staff member will result in an immediate ban. Any damages resulting in this behavior will be met with legal action.
I hate to disagree with you Spike but although we all realize that noone can ban a player except a administrator I don't believe anyone here is violating any rule unless you're referring to the intentionally extremely vague 'spirit of the game' rule.Everyone is entitled to their opinion of whether you,myself or anyone else being a 'multi' and they are entitled to file reports making that accusation and even if they know their accusation is false and they're filing a false report there is nothing that prohibits that and consequently no punshment for such a lame and malicious act.I proved that my account was accessed by another in a different I.P. than where I resided and this was verifiied by paypla records also.When I was released I was sent a email informing me of my release stating that I alone would be released but that may change so I'd advise you to continue emailing the A.L. support desk to explain your case.
2010.Aug.17, 05:27 PM
(2010.Aug.14 09:48 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]I would like to ask for a let out of Federal Jail
I know that are log in times were similar but I can assure you that I did not mean for it to happen all I even now remember about the day I was federal jailed was that I was criming when it happened during the middle of a slow war, and my sister Glamazon was online at the same time on her laptop and I was not aware of that, she remembered my password due to google chrome's auto save password feature, and I am not aware if she logged me in from her laptop or not we had followed the rules by informing you that we had the same I.P. address but we had 3 different computers at the time 2pcs and 1 laptop, the only thing I am guilty of is being Naive and failing to safeguard my privacy regarding my account. I do not know if she knew account sharing was against the rules but ignorance of the rules does not grant her amnesty from punishment for violating the rules and I agree that she should remain in federal jail for doing so, I understand that what happened was all a mistake for me on my part a mistake that was not intended to happen, and basically I was federal jailed as a result of my sister's careless actions, and for failing for me to protect my account giving you and others a false impression leading you and them to believe that I was accessing another's account.
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