(2010.Aug.17 06:43 AM)Dingus Wrote: [ -> ]Its amazing how "normal" most of us are in real life. People need to remember that these online personas are just that. That being sai[/align]d I am sure that I still remain the best looking person playing AL today.
Thank you all and god speed!
.......maybe best over 50....maybe.

Hahahahahahaha........um them golden years
whop whop whop
(2010.Aug.15 10:48 PM)thehustler Wrote: [ -> ] (2010.Aug.15 09:44 PM)cheetah Wrote: [ -> ]So Pun and I should be banned?
you are talking about a one time event..... i am talking about ppl that share an ip address 99% of the time they log in. it is too easy for anyone to have a multi in this game or play on someone else's account. i am not suggesting you logged in as pun nor did i even care about you when i said what i said. pull your head out of your arse and think before you respond.
So you are saying families should not be allowed to play?
My other half and I log in from the same IP, we both log in from home, as well as from our cell phones, which happen to be on the same account. Your argument is that because we share the same IP for the majority of the time we should not be allowed to play, that is BS.
The problem is not with those of us sharing the same IP, but rather with those idiots who abuse the privilege and/or try and cheat the game and players.
Get Zenith on here to let her finally hear the case let her read it and for the last time I am not a multi I updated a profile pic onto here for forums reasons to prove that NOW get her on here and let my hearing begin so I can finally make sense of what happened that day and pick up where I left off, for those of you that know it makes PERFECT SENSE that me SuperDave and Glamazon all 3 have different reasons, and different personalities so that should add up and tell you someone's opinion is not very correct at all and furthermore I agree with Cheetah and her successful defense of her good reputation along with Pun's.
(2010.Aug.17 01:11 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]Get Zenith on here to let her finally hear the case let her read it and for the last time I am not a multi I updated a profile pic onto here for forums reasons to prove that NOW get her on here and let my hearing begin so I can finally make sense of what happened that day and pick up where I left off, for those of you that know it makes PERFECT SENSE that me SuperDave and Glamazon all 3 have different reasons, and different personalities so that should add up and tell you someone's opinion is not very correct at all and furthermore I agree with Cheetah and her successful defense of her good reputation along with Pun's.
You don't follow instructions well do you?
Zen didn't say POST in the forum, she said READ the forum and then explain at fedjail@awakenedlands.com.
Spikelancelot sounds retarded for realz. What case is he talking about? All I see is begging to be let back into a game that caught playing numerous accounts and probably after he had been banned. There is no evidence of his innocence in his longwinded Stephen king like blogs of protest de persecution. Close thread please.
(2010.Aug.17 01:11 PM)Spikelancelot Wrote: [ -> ]Get Zenith on here to let her finally hear the case let her read it and for the last time I am not a multi I updated a profile pic onto here for forums reasons to prove that NOW get her on here and let my hearing begin so I can finally make sense of what happened that day and pick up where I left off, for those of you that know it makes PERFECT SENSE that me SuperDave and Glamazon all 3 have different reasons, and different personalities so that should add up and tell you someone's opinion is not very correct at all and furthermore I agree with Cheetah and her successful defense of her good reputation along with Pun's.
Yes. It makes
PERFECT SENSE that you are a multi. Go away and stay there you worthless whining bag of dung.
I am not a multi, but you guys seem to be content on breaking 1 of the rules no player has any control over whether or not another player plays this game or not,not you not just johnny,not kev, not shadowguard, not punisher, thegeneral, conrad, brugada, justjohnny, spacebird, rafal, NOBODY has those priveleges except for staff that control federal jail and the only reason why nothing is being done about it right now is because you guys are so scared to explain it to her and everything else that I will come back and start up where I left off it's not even funny.