I give you until now. This is ridiculous! So a level one makes a bust of 700 minutes. He/she can't handle that amount of exp. You grow slow in the beginning for a reason I believe. I was an idiot donating hundreds of dollars and blowing the creds on energy refreshes as a level 8. Man you gotta move slow in the beginning so you can grasp the game. This in my pinion will be a great downfall of an already excellent jail system.
The system is in place for a reason. If the game is telling you that you need more experience to bust someone out, its a nice way of saying you have almost no chance of succeeding.
Geek they want that .0000000000000000005% chance of success. i guess let them have it. i just feel bad for the guys coming up and trying a 700 minute bust. sad.
do you still lose experience for failing at busts? hmm... another reason why you don't want to take the risk...
there are "three" pros:
2.repaying an old bust buddy
*too many to name*
The XP drop would be a reason not to try it. If the LVL 1 has 1% to get a higher player out he may not want to try it (Unless he or she is logging then who knows). You get higher up a few more levels and maybe max out at 5% let's say. Sure the XP drop is still a factor in it but if I was logging I would try. Instead of continuing to criticize this why not let the poll run till the 30th of April. Let all the people who do not like it get your fellow high players who may agree to vote no then. Lady Zen looks at the end of the month and sees the votes and decides then. Guess I should have put a time limit here. Well, at least she can lock this then and make her decision. :-)
You're still wrong. And by the way you are persisting and fighting this, seems to me like you favor multi's! Drek, I'll open ten more accounts so if I am jailed they all have a 1% chance to bust me. hmmm. Something is shady here.
I've gotta say you're wrong on that one, I disagree with the idea, but I know Scorp well, and he's not saying this idea to cheat, he's an extremely honourable player.
I think it should be up to the player to decide if it's something they want to do. Constant failure is a pretty good detterant.
Besides...as it stands right now I know my ability is above the limit put on by my level. I'm consistently busting at the top of that range...I'd like the chance to try higher busts too.
I think players should have a chance to use their own common sense and not have their hand held.