i agree. i like the system as it is.a low level person shouldnt b able 2 bust some1 out thats in jail 4 lets say 300 min. its the same as in real life. the worse crime u do the higher prison u go and the higher the security that only the most exp persons can bust some1 out.
Your post and the point you'r trying to put across seem different to me, you asked should lower levels atleast have a chance to bust higher levels, i answered yes as lower levels already have a chance to bust out higher levels. A level 34 could be in jail for 5 minutes, then anyone can bust him, so lower levels should have a chance. But i disagree that lower levels should have the chance to spend say 10AP for a 1% chance of busting someone. Seems pretty pointless to me.

If you are for this then you're wrong.
Then make it a 5% chance (as I posted earlier). There is a funny thing in this world called luck (and incompetence). Hasn't anyone ever heard on the news how criminals walk right out of police stations or idiots on road crews just walk away. Count the 5% as either the cops were eating donuts or watching a prisoner beatdown in which case a common joe on the street busted a hardcore felon due to their incompetence. LOL
I wanna throw up at the incompetence right now!
Speaking of incompetence I guess somebody either does not remember the topic of Forum Guidelines or just chose not to read it. Should have only had the poll and not posts if people are going to call others incompetent. Is there anyway you can lock the post and keep the poll open Lady Zen? Thanks much.
This method you are speaking of will only set other up for failure. The benefits are nothing compared to the loss of exp you will have and the time in jail.
Let's say we have a 700 minute jail term, a level 10 tries and fail and is in jail for 200 minutes, then level 5 tries to bust him out, man the jail would have soooo many people in it people would complain soo much and I would feel the need to direct them your way and have you explain this nutso idea.
persistent huh mercury. just face it it wont work.the jail system is running gr8 as it is.
Thanks for being civilized in your new post and not throwing any imcompetence words around about people. That is why this is a forum so others can explain their side of it and give PROs and CONs to whatever ideas others have. I appreciate you giving that example of jail time others would get if they want to try to get somebody out and it fails. That is why we get the warning before we try. :-) I still say to let people try anyways. I for one would like to try before logging for the night. I have had very high people bust me when I was a LVL 1 newb to the game.
Chief for example has busted me out back then, he has busted me frequently, and I am sure he will bust me again when I get near LVL 20. Some of us would like to try to repay some of these guys for helping us out. I always check the status of people when I look in the jail to see if they are online or not. I usually help those first. Like I said, thanks for the much better post you just did.
Why don't we all give Zen to the end of the month to see how many votes we have for Yes or No. If she feels there are enough to warrant a possibility then great. If not, then Cie La Vie. You never know how things will be if you don't ask. :-) How does the saying go about all requests not asked will be no but those that are asked may be yes a few times? If I knew it word for word I would have typed it. LOL
I give you until now. This is ridiculous! So a level one makes a bust of 700 minutes. He/she can't handle that amount of exp. You grow slow in the beginning for a reason I believe. I was an idiot donating hundreds of dollars and blowing the creds on energy refreshes as a level 8. Man you gotta move slow in the beginning so you can grasp the game. This in my pinion will be a great downfall of an already excellent jail system.